S.T.E.A.M. Code Name Steam 2?

  • Thread starter VirtulJordan
  • Start date


Pokemon Master
Towns Folk
Code Name Steam was a rather unpopular title for the 3ds. While it had an amazing Steampunk style to it that many people are fond of, the inclusion of historical figures and characters from old literature might have driven some people away. Despite the lackluster sales, the game was still a rather good game that could be improved upon in a sequel.

The game had so much promise and letting the series die this early would be a real shame. Chances are if a sequel of this game was made for the Switch it may have a better fighting chance. Now that may seem odd to say given the 3DS has more sales than the switch 3 times over, but just look how well MarioxRabbids did. Having a turned based shooter like this on the Switch would definitely get more peoples attention.

But what do you think? Would you like to see this game get a sequel, and on the Switch no less?
I don´t know if making a switch versión of this game could ´save´this franchise as you say. Don´t forget that the game is already out for the most popular handheld in the market, and if it did not do well it might be because gamers have other interests just that, it is not because the game is bad or good, no not at all. Sometimes it is just because the game does not appeal to some gamers.
Anyway, I do feel good that nintendo has the variety of games as they always did, that makes thier consoles really interesting and worth picking up. In this case, I am totatlly talking about the 3ds and lately the nintendo switch as well.