
  • Thread starter Kakea
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Towns Folk
I just remembered something creepy when I was fighting the Lord Of The Cursed: the characters fall on their face when they faint while you and friends fall on your backs, you can use life cures and revive characters and each other, they need you to revive them and can only watch each other (and if you faint) you lay until the time runs out.They do have energy bars but don't bring life cures into fights, but don't use stamina... they also afraid to be by themselves as the character speeds up alot if you walk to far why they're stuck.This could be intentional by the game designers but this seems creepy realistically.No one in Reverie uses life cures even though THEY KNOW they can be knocked or might die if n one revives them, they also can't revive you and seem not to notice they're hurt no matter how many times they're hit and don't have stamina but have energy.They're alive but don't use stamina and can't help anyone or themselves if hurt......