Is nintendo video worth it?

  • Thread starter Marcellderp
  • Start date


Derp Lord
Towns Folk
As you may know nintendo video is free from the e shop and it takes quite a lot of blocks I barely had enough space on my sd card to download Pokémon shuffle.

But the question here is it really worth it? I say No.

Nintendo video just shows reruns of college humor's dinosaur office
and mondo media's piderman&badman and world doctor episodes.
I even saw coffee run show up twice as a "new video" and mondo media has all of the episodes on their youtube channel so I suggest going to Mondo Medias channel and not downloading this its free but you have to wait
a week until they add more episodes and some are stuff I don't like for example meat or die.

Anyways that's just my opinion.
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Well it's actually the extra data that makes Nintendo Video pretty large :rotfl: I never really kept it because ti kept saying that I wasn't in the right region ;~; but it's really useful for just casual people since some of their videos are pretty funny :p But for a person with almost no space on their SD Card , then I wouldn't keep it :p
I guess that since YouTube exists,and pretty much takes things exclusive from networks like Netflix and Nintendo Video out to the public regardless,than I'll await other stuff to put on my SD card.It sucks though that when I did download the software on my 3DS,it said I wasn't at an appropriate region to use it,so I'm out of luck on this one. :(
Not really. Most of the videos if not all of them can be found on Youtube and it takes up a lot of space.
I didn't keep mine I deleted it once I learned I had to pay for some videos though I was happy to see Bravest Warriors on it. But I also had the YouTube app installed so it felt redundant to have two video apps.
Nintendo video is just plain advertisement. You start out with "Dinosaur Office" and those other videos are available on the Youtube App or on your computer anyways.
Nintendo video is just plain advertisement.

I agree. I hardly use Nintendo Video anymore. I have a 32 GB SDHC card, so memory isn't a big issue, but most of these videos have nothing to do with anything and just seem like a waste of time and space. I once got one about some British snow board rider or something...
I do not think that nintendo video is worth it either. I used it only for a while and I stopped watching the videos because I lost interest in the app. Because I stopped watching the videos on nintendo video, I deleted the app. You can just watch the same videos on Youtube. I do not understand why this app is so popular. I think that it has like a five star rating on it.