Super Mario 3D land?

  • Thread starter Panguinix
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NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
Is it good? or is it the same thing as new super mario bros for the wii?
of course different, but kinda easy to me
super Mario 3d land good ? you must be crazy :p its not good at all
its amazing !
lol i haven't played super mario bros on wii but i can tell you they are probably not the same :p:
but get it its the best
I haven't played it yet but if it's as good as the Super Mario Galaxies,then I'm gonna get it sooner!I was gonna get it anyway,but now,I guess I'll buy it before I get Zelda A Link Between Worlds,is it just as good as the SMG's?
P*S:I strongly recommend the two Super Mario Galaxies,they are the best Mario games on the Wii,try em!
I haven't played it yet but if it's as good as the Super Mario Galaxies,then I'm gonna get it sooner!I was gonna get it anyway,but now,I guess I'll buy it before I get Zelda A Link Between Worlds,is it just as good as the SMG's?
P*S:I strongly recommend the two Super Mario Galaxies,they are the best Mario games on the Wii,try em!
lol i haven't played super mario galaxies but all i can tell you is that all Mario games ever made are fun addicting and amazing - pure awesome to summarize - i would highly recommend it :p Mario 3d land
Its one of the greatest Mario 3d games that is on the e-shop plus many people bought it and Nintendo made a whole lot of money off of it.Its a great game and if you like Mario should definitely check it out.
Mario 3d land has nothing to do with new super mario bros. It is set in a 3 dimensional landscape not a 2 dimensional one like new super mario bros. The former one have different perspectives and the 3d effect really leaves you astonished. You also have new power-up like tanooki and the boomerang.
You can Super Mario 3D Land does not compare with New Super Mario Bros Wii.
Because in Super Mario 3D Land can walk anywhere you want.
Super Mario Bros Wii, you can only play in a 2D landscape.
If you want to play in 3D I will recommend Super Mario 3D Land.
If you want to play in 2D I will recommend New Super Mario Bros Wii.

If you all want to play the two games, I recommend as first 3D land.

I hope you're here.

Super Mario bros on the wii was a 2d platformer, and super Mario 3d land is a 3d Mario game, so they are different. I have never played it, but if it is similar to super Mario 3d world on the wii u, it is really good game. I prefer the 3d Mario games over the 2d platformers. And I have been thinking about gettin the Galaxy games.
  • #10
Super mario 3d land is a verh fun game to play. The 3d with it on just looks so amazing. When I played it for hours and hours. I just could not put my 3ds down. But the bad thing about it is you have to collect green stars to progress through the game which I hate a lot. This game is one of the best 3ds games that I have ever played.