what is the next game i should have

  • Thread starter Pok_E 16
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What game shal i get

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Pok_E 16

Pok_E 16

Restricted user
Towns Folk
hi so yeh there is qwite a lot to choice from games on 3ds i would like so i would like u guys to sisade for me the games are pilot wings resort , kid icarus uprising, ultimate nes remix , mario kart 7 , animal crossing new leaf ,new super mario bros 2 or mario party island tour
As for my vote, I picked Kid Icarus: Uprising lol

You'll see that it's difficulty level can be adjusted; like SMASH! Theres a lot of Idols(trophies) to collect; Like SMASH! The interface itself feels like SMASH! lol Anyways, Masahiro Sakurai made the game years ago kinda why it feels like smash lol

Anyways, the gameplay feels more of an innovative Shooter + Adventure game lol It game has a lot of humor, adventure, and feels like a beat 'em up game too lol It's online multiplayer is awesome lol The gameplay of the online multiplayer is the same as the adventure mode of the game except it'll feel more of a TPS(Third-Person Shooter) game when playing multiplayer. Heck, you can play with bots to grind for items and hearts while you're at it lol. It has streetpass in which you can trade weapons you set up in your streetpass. Speaking of weapons, you can fuse weapons in the game to add some perks to pass on, add melee damage,etc.

Anyways, heres my post regarding Kid Icarus: Uprising lol


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Reactions: Marc and 18
Mario Kart 7 has nearly infinite replay value and it's a blast unlike it's unlucky sequel.

Plus basically everyone with a 3DS owns it so getting people together to play it is easy.
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Reactions: 18 and MMMs
Mario Kart 7. I think Nintendo should bundle it with the 3DS at some point because it's the game every 3DS owner should have. It's lots of fun and there are always tons of people in the multiplayer.
go for MK7 (that's the only decent one on the list) :p

if you're generally interested in MK games, this one is pretty good, the tracks, 3D graphics and characters are worth it. Online multiplayer seems to be popular within the game, so you may enjoy competing with your friends. :3
I vote for animal crossing New leaf. I have never played the game myself, but according to members on this site, it sounds like a great game With lots of stuff to do. Kid Icarus uprising (which I also never have played), looks pretty fun on the videoes I have watched of it. I would not reccomend New super Mario bros 2, because I found it extremely boring.
Animal Crossing New Leaf is good! Though it can get boring after a while (probably when you nearly completed everything).
Kid Icarus seems very interesting to me. I don't have the game but I always look at it in the game shop (I actually love the AR cards xD)
Definatly Animal Crossing New Leaf. The games amazing, I played it for 300+ hours. Everyday you play it, something is different so it's never boring. The multiplayer is amazing and it's tons of fun going to other people's towns
As much as I like kids Icarus uprising and some of the other games I would go with MK 7 because it has multiplayer online and is a lot of fun throughtout the game when doing races and seeing the amazing tracks.
  • #10
I voted for MK7 for the same reasons that have been said. It had tons of replayability, you can pick up anytime and do a couple of races, or you can go online to and play more competitively. Plus, it's another game that maybe you could see competitions and contests on the forum about it ^^
  • #11
It ultimately depends on what you're in to, as a lot of the above games are very different genres. If you love multiplayer experiences and doing whatever, such as fishing or decorating your house the way you want it, then New Leaf is the game for you. That's the one I voted for.
  • #12
What type of game do you like to play? For online battling there is Mario Kart 7 Which is very popular as well as Kid Icarus: Uprising has more battling and fighting experiences. Or if you like a simple Game like Animal crossing ; New leaf get that. Though I best suggest the first two:D
  • #13
Although I haven't personally played Kid Icarus Uprisng myself, I've seen youtubers play it. To sum it up, it is StarFox, but with angels and 4th wall breaking.
  • #14
Although I haven't personally played Kid Icarus Uprisng myself, I've seen youtubers play it. To sum it up, it is StarFox, but with angels and 4th wall breaking.
That's an interesting way to explain it.

I say Kid Icarus :3 It's really fun to play by yourself or with others :D It doesn't have as much replay value as MK7 though, and you may enjoy MK7 more for multiplier, but I think KI:U :D
  • #15
Personally I would go for Mariokart 7! Mariokart 7 is really fun and has a lot of replay quality. It's so fun trying to get all gold trophies and Characters! Mariokart 7 also come with online so you can play online using your NNID. Animal Crossing is good too but for me it got too boring after a while. But it is your choice but I would recommend Mariokart 7.
  • #16
I'd go for either animal crossing or kid icarus.
Animal crossing is really fun once you get going with it, I bet you will be addicted to it in no time flat
Kid Icarus, is a good game as well, I plan on getting it soon.
  • #17
I think that you should get mario kart 7. There is some new items you can get in the game which are very fun to use. The tracks are very well made with lots and lots of detail put into them. I reccomend you get this game if you are a fan of the mario kart series. You will not regret getting this game.