Which 3DS retail game did you get the best bargain on?

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Lime Pawpaw
Towns Folk
For me, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. I got it for $12, which is about right (subsequent sales in 2015 have made it go down to $8, but still) and best of all, the guy who had the game before me hadn't even played it; the game's undeletable save file which it was criticized a lot for didn't affect me at all and I got it cheap and relatively early :D
I got steel diver for 15 bucks at gamestop
I think the best deal I gotten was on a new Pokémon X. The Game Stop were I shop has the new games wrapped up in plastic with the sticker prices on them. Well on Pokémon X it was wrapped up and the sticker price was $39.99 I remember getting in the line and waiting. The wait took longer than necessary because the one ahead of everyone was getting into a argument with the checkout clerk.

When it was my turn I tried making light conversation and apologized for the early confrontation he had. I was just being friendly to the guy because I felt bad for him.

I didnt plan on getting X for 20 dollars along with a plush of Fennekin for free.:p
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I got Rhythm Thief for about $8 because it was used. Pretty fun game and it's a pain to find physically now. The Club Nintendo points stilled worked which was really neat. I don't come across too many deals physically for 3DS games.
Mine was harvest moon a new beginning. I picked it up for aroun $20 off of amazon and have enjoyed playing ever since.