Which game? Farming Simulation, Harvest Moon a New Beginning or Story of Seasons?

  • Thread starter ShoxShark
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The Shark :3
Towns Folk
I am planning to buy a 3DS game that has the genre of farming simulation. I researched on both games, and couldn't decide which one (You would think that I would have decided on which one already cause I decided on X/Y rather quickly, but this one, no way, still thinking! LOL:wacky:). I would like to see the opinions of other people and see what they think:playful:.

If you have played one of the games and finished it (maybe not finished but is pretty far into it, tell me your current play time, plz.) If you don't have anyone of the games, but like to recommend one, please feel free the tell me.

If you have a reason also tell me, plz. I really want to know why you recommended this game.:whistle:
Do not get Farming Simulation. I have glanced at that game in the past and it always just seems to have bad reviews.

I don't personally own A New Beginning, but I do own Story of Seasons and I love it. When I was looking at getting one of those two games, everybody who had played them both all recommended Story of Seasons. Apparently the tutorial in A New Beginning is painfully long, but aside from that I don't hear many complaints about the game. Some people say that the characters in A New Beginning are a bit shallow and it takes a while for people to start showing up, etc. but I really can't comment on that because I haven't played the game. Hopefully other people who reply to this have and can clear that up!

I am almost done my first Summer in Story of Seasons and I love it so far. I love the ability to customize my own character, which I don't think is an option in A New Beginning, I really like all the villagers so far, and apparently more will show up through out the game. Not a ton more, I think maybe four or five, but I don't know for sure. I also personally like how farming is done in this game. It is more streamlined than in previous games. In every "plot" of land you actually have 9 plants being planted. This allows you to grow more without using as much time on watering them. I like this, as I am able to sell more plants and therefore get more money.

I have only played one Harvest Moon game prior to this, and that was Tale of Two Towns. I am a bit displeased with some aspects of Story of Seasons, but nothing major. Not a game breaker at all. I personally dislike how I have to build a chicken coop & pet barn before I am able to buy either animal. It takes a while to be able to buy the blueprint and I have a hard time getting some materials. It's not impossible, by any means. I was able to build a chicken coop a few days ago. People can probably build em sooner too, I just wasted my money haha. Also I had to build my own kitchen and fridge, which I didn't have to do in Tale of Two Towns. Again though, neither of these things are game breaking, they are just more of a slow down. I don't really mind though, it's just something I wish wasn't there, if that makes sense.

The only thing that can be really irksome at first is that this game doesn't have a shipping bin. If you've played previous Harvest Moon games you will know how those work - you can ship your crops whenever. When you first start Story of Seasons you will only have one "trader" come to your town every few days. Those are the people you sell your crops too. I've heard that as the game progresses though you get more and more traders so you practically have someone to sell to every day and it is no longer a problem. I have two traders now and I'm not even done my first year. There are also some cool features that you unlock later in the game, but I don't want to spoil anything.

Overall, I really enjoy the game. I like the way it looks, I like the town layout, I like all the villagers, I like most of the mechanics in game and the ones I don't like that much are not horrendous. I would get the game, if I were you. I really enjoy it. I know that @SunnyWindy and @Faith of Spades own the game too and they might be able to give you some help. :)
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What a long review just got a to it about 1 min ago, lol story of seasons seems great. I have heard a lot about the Harvest Moon tutorial. Everybody just says is way too long, and nobody likes tutorials (unless you are new to the game, but I never need tutorials anyways!), I also looked at the graphics of capabilities of the game, and Story of seasons seems to be having leads!