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Best Darkrai EX Decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Darkrai EX has caused mayhem during the Space-Time Smackdown era; however, its wrath and usage have diminished during online matches with the new cards from Triumphant Light. It’s still a powerful deck and viable in March 2025.

Darkrai EX and Magnezone

The Darkrai EX and Magnezone combo is a menace that everyone hated with the launch of the Space-Time Smackdown packs. The deck has even made its way to the official Pokemon website.

Best Darkrai EX Deck

This deck consists of:

  • Darkrai EX x 2
  • Magnemite x 2
  • Magneton x 2
  • Magnezone x 2
  • Druddigon x 2
  • Professor’s Research x 2
  • Sabrina x 1
  • Cyrus x 1
  • Leaf x 2
  • Poké Ball x 2
  • Pokémon Communication x 2

The idea was the stall with Druddigon. Darkrai EX would build up energy while damaging the opponent’s active Pokemon during the process with its Nightmare Aura ability. Meanwhile, Magnemite would evolve into Magneton and use its Volt Charge ability to get a free electric energy each turn, later evolving into Magnezone to finish weakened Pokemon with its 110 damage.

Darkrai EX and Greninja

Magnezone is strong when paired with Darkrai EX, but I’ve found Greninja to be more annoying. This deck is built to torture the enemy with little damage at a time until the end.

Best Darkrai EX and Greninja Deck

This deck consists of:

  • Darkrai EX x 2
  • Druddigon x 2
  • Froakie x 2
  • Frogadier x 2
  • Greninja x 2
  • Poké Ball x 2
  • Professor’s Research x 2
  • Pokémon Communication x 2
  • Cyrus x 2
  • Leaf x 1
  • Rocky Helmet x 1

Druddigon is set up with Rocky Helmet to tank hits while also dishing out 40 damage per hit (20 from its Rough Skin ability and 20 from Rocky Helmet). Greninja and Darkrai EX also help with the chip damage to weaken most Pokemon to a bloody pulp.

Darkrai EX and Weavile

Darkrai EX and Weavile was the first Darkrai EX deck to gain popularity. Later, this changed when people discovered that Magnezone was better. Players have also experimented with other decks that did chip damage for Darkrai EX to sweep the opponent’s Pokemon with ease.

Without further ado:

Best Darkrai EX and Weavile Deck

This deck consists of:

  • Darkrai EX x 2
  • Druddigon x 2
  • Professor’s Research x 2
  • Cyrus x 2
  • Poké Ball x 2
  • Pokémon Communication x 2
  • Sneasel x 2
  • Weavile EX x 2
  • Rocky Helmet x 2
  • Leaf x 2

Spiritomb is a nice alternative to have in this deck to damage all of the opponent’s Pokemon on the board and to synergize with Cyrus to finish them off. I’m personally not a fan of Spiritomb in this deck because of its low HP and low attack, but others may find it more to their style.

Gervais D.
Gervais laughs at a difficult RPG while it takes its last breath as he conquers it. He's been gaming since the NES and loves to relax at the beach.
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