Club Nintendo: January Games

Published on January 14th, 2014 by Eric Weichhart
Club Nintendo January Game Rewards
A little late, but it’s now here.

One day late, but the new Club Nintendo prizes are here. There are two Wii U Virtual Console games and two DSi Ware for the 3DS handled. While Wii U users can be happy, most of the 3DS users will have to wait till next month.

For Nintendo 3DS/3DS XL/2DS Family
– Game & Watch Mario’s Cement Factory – 100 coins
– Spin Six – 150 coins

For Nintendo Wii U Family
– F-Zero – 200 coins
– 1080° Snowboarding – 200 coins

About Eric Weichhart

Eric enjoys playing video games in his 3DS XL and Wii U. Platform, puzzles and RPG are his favorites. He doesn't care if a game is 1080p or 720p, it only needs to be fun.