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3DS In-Game Tutorials

How to find the Reference Room and solve the path puzzle in Evil Spirit Club 2nd Story labyrinth in Persona Q

The first time I got stuck in Persona Q was at the 2nd floor of the Evil Spirit Club labyrinth. I’m pretty sure a lot of other players are confused as well, therefore this tutorial should help you move forward. This tutorial helps you :

– Solve the subject schedule puzzle.
– Find the reference room and solve the directions/path puzzle.
– Navigate back to the switchboard to turn on the lights.

There are two doors that you need to unlock. To do this, you must explore the entire 2nd floor of the Evil Spirit Club labyrinth. On your way, you will discover a subject schedule puzzle.

The answers are (in that order) :

1. Language
2. Civics

How to find the Reference Room in the Evil Spirit Club 2nd Story

At the red “E” symbol on the map of the labyrinth, you will discover some newspapers. Yes, that’s the well known reference room that you may have heard of before. Shame on me, I didn’t even know its name on the first visit :

Evil Spirit Club 2nd Story labyrinth 42% completed - Persona Q

It should give you some instructions on where to go :

First step is east. Then two to the north, two east, two north, and three west. Two to the south, one to the east, two to the south, and then one west to where you started.

The image below should show you the location of where you have to go to find this area to progress (please continue reading to understand the screenshot) :

Directions for the Evil Spirit Club 2nd Story labyrinth - Persona Q

From the starting point (marked “start here” with the blue arrow), before moving, press the A button by the wall and some dialogue should take place. After, start moving in the direction of the arrows. Once you reach the yellow arrow from the screenshot above, move one space right (my right from the screenshot), two spaces down (my down from the screenshot) and one space back, leading you back to where you began.

If you follow the instructions correctly, you should see a message saying, “A low, dull sound echoes from somewhere”, followed by some dialogue. Once you’re done with the above, look at the first screenshot to find the switchboard to navigate back to it to progress in the game.

Do you still need help?

If you need more help, you can always sign up for an account at the 3DS Pedia forum and create a topic in the Persona Q section asking for assistance.

Gervais D.
Gervais laughs at a difficult RPG while it takes its last breath as he conquers it. He's been gaming since the NES and loves to relax at the beach.
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