Flipnote Studio 3D is now available on Club Nintendo

Published on February 10th, 2015 by Spinnerweb


It isn’t the voices in your head thatย you’re hearing say, ‘Finally.’ย It’s just thousandsย of Club Nintendo users. The long-awaited Nintendo 3DS application is finally available, at least for North American Club Nintendo users.

Now that the frustration of the wait is over (though not for European Nintendo fans, who are still waiting), we can direct our annoyance to Club Nintendo’s traffic woes, as lots of people – this writer included – are unable to actually redeem their Flipnote Studio 3D code as of yet because of the site operating about as smoothly as sandpaper.

Once itย does start working though, you should log into your Club Nintendo account. Flipnote Studio 3D will be in your To-Do list, all ready to redeem.

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Spinnerweb lives in obscurity and loves Valkyria Chronicles.