We arrived at my pokemon shop to get a few weapons, but the door was locked, and kicking it wasn't a very good idea, reinforced steel hurts, kids
Me: I don't have my key with me, maybe we can get in through that window if we jump across from that warehouse
Me: Hello, anyone there?
Mika: Weird, no one's in there it looks like
Me: Someone's screaming inside!
I created a laser that burst open the door [what, it's not mine, it's not like I have to pay for it or anything, he, he, oops]
We saw a cat hanging from the ceiling with a piece of cloth covering their mouth
We untied them and I noticed it was actually TheFancyFedora
Fancy: What happened? How long have I been out? Wait, Rsn? Why are you here? And why is the forum so weird now?
Me: I'll answer those questions in order, IDK, IDK either, yep, I wanna get in my store through the window and finally...Haters
I jumped through the window, and unlocked the door from the inside
I got a few things in the back
Fancy: Where are you going?
Me: The Smash tournament that'll start in a few minutes
Fancy: Why? What's going on in the Forum?
We explained what had been happening in the past few weeks
Fancy: So, is that what's going on? Can I help you guys?
Me: Sure, I have some things in the back
We prepared ourselves for the battle ahead, and I recorded a secret message and left it under "secret package", the password? UNDERTALE
Play some epic music now
Me: Everyone... who is actually here, if we fail, the entire forum goes down with us, this battle will decide the fate of possibly the entire Internet, our friends, every website ever, will be destroyed by haters...
Fancy: I have a question: Why are there no hater outbreaks like this in other webisites?
Me: Because you're asking the wrong question, it's not about why there aren't any, but about why don't we hear about them, these happen all the time, but those forums are most of the time cut off from the outside Internet, so we never hear about them, and they have thousands, maybe even millions of websites under their command, but before, they were not organized, but now, with that weird "Shadow" person, they have leadership, and by taking over our HQ, they have weapons, if they're not stopped NOW, there will be no turning back...
Mika: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!
I used the hand power to bring our bikes to us
Mika: Do you think anyone's gonna notice a giant hand?
Me: Nah, the tournament's going on, and some guys got their hands on Cloud already
Mika: It's already going on? We gotta hurry!
We arrived near the tournament
Me: Don't make too much noise, everyone is here, and there's the whole bounty situation
Mika: But we have to find what machine they're going to use!
Me: Hold on a second, I think I can see the others from here
I got the prototype for the glasses 2.0
I used the binoculars mode to try and see them a bit better
Me: It looks like they're with the clones, wait, where are they going? Looks like a backstage area, we should go there!
Fancy: I thought you said to not make too much noise...
We ran over to the backstage area
Me: There they are!
Sunny: Oh, hey look it's wait... What? Just when I was getting used to all this weirdness there are two of them?
D4rk Dragon: Those have gotta be fake!
They readied their weapons
Me: W-Wait! (How can I get out of this...WITHOUT killing anyone?)
Me: Let's try to solve this with a calm chat, like UNDERTALE teaches you to do!
Mika: I don't think that would help a lot right now
Me: I can try...
* Friends appeared
*ACT <
* Spinnerweb <
*Check *Talk *Do Nothing *Be Stupid *Die
Me: Who rigged my ACT menu?
Clone Me: I, the REAL Rsn, have disabled my fake's ACT menu
Me: That's the worst ripoff ever! That's not even how I talk!
"Enemy approaching" starts playing
The clone attacked me
I created a barrier that pushed him back
I noticed something approaching behind me
???: hOI! am tEMMIE!
Clone Me: Run! Temmie! My only weakness!
Me: Uuuuuuuhhhhh............Ooooooookaaaaaaaaaayy
I picked up the temmie
Clone Me: How are you immune to the funny side of the Internet?!
Me: Funny side of the Internet, huh?
I threated the clone with the "extremely dangerous" temmie
* Temmie vibrates intensely
Temmie Village starts playing
Clones: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!11111111one!!!!111!!
Spinner: ...............
Sunny: .................
D4rk Dragon: ................
Mad Queen: ...................
P2: .........................
Mask: ......................
Me: .......................
Mika: ......................
Fancy: .....................
The clones evaporated
Me: So, uh, did you miss us?
Everyone was too confused to answer
After everyone stopped looking so traumatized, I asked something else
Me: Could you guys tell me about what happened since late last night?
Spinner: So, I heard a loud noise coming from the main deck, but when we arrived there, you were okay
Me: That loud noise was actually The Shadow replacing us with those clones
Spinner: Okay, so as I was saying, we arrived at the room, talked for a bit, then today, I woke up to find the clones at the main deck, looking really interested in a hard drive, I hid it, of course. The clones said we should get ready, and that there was a special machine in the backstage area, and that there was a disguised hater among the contestants
Me: Okay, thanks for the info dump, now, I know something should happen right about... NOW!
I slowed down time at the exact moment an explosion happened
I protected my friends and the players from the collapsing ceiling, and hoped the people outside were fine
"Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans" starts playing
(yes, that's the actual name of the song)
Time returned to normal, we ran outside just in time to see The Shadow try to envelop the tournament area with a strange aura
Me: I knew you wouldn't just send the clones, you know, you're not the only one who can predict people's behavior
The Shadow: Oh, really? Then you're probably prepared for a fight!
Spinner threw me my communicator/remote control/pip boy
I called the ship, and activated a secret feature I had ready: The emergency recall
All the equipment in the ship came flying down in special crates
I got my old gear, including my trusty swordgun
Me: Now I'm ready
I fired a beam, he fell to the ground
I slowed down time and eliminated two snipers behind me
Me: (This is it, even if the group is not all together, we can still win)
I ran over and attacked but he dodged
The Shadow: I'm invincible! I now have this wretched world under my domain!
Me: You have zero redeeming qualities, I suggest you start over... as a human being!
I attacked again
The Shadow: You just can't get enough suffering, can you? Then TAKE THIS!
The Shadow fired a beam of hater energy at me, it was a direct hit
Don't give up starts playing
Fancy: NO!
Sunny: Don't give up!
Spinner: Humph, now's not the time to be dying!
Mika: Shouldn't we actually help? He could be dead already
Me: (No, just a bit longer, have to keep going... hold on...)
To be continued...
Me: I don't have my key with me, maybe we can get in through that window if we jump across from that warehouse
Me: Hello, anyone there?
Mika: Weird, no one's in there it looks like
Me: Someone's screaming inside!
I created a laser that burst open the door [what, it's not mine, it's not like I have to pay for it or anything, he, he, oops]
We saw a cat hanging from the ceiling with a piece of cloth covering their mouth
We untied them and I noticed it was actually TheFancyFedora
Fancy: What happened? How long have I been out? Wait, Rsn? Why are you here? And why is the forum so weird now?
Me: I'll answer those questions in order, IDK, IDK either, yep, I wanna get in my store through the window and finally...Haters
I jumped through the window, and unlocked the door from the inside
I got a few things in the back
Fancy: Where are you going?
Me: The Smash tournament that'll start in a few minutes
Fancy: Why? What's going on in the Forum?
We explained what had been happening in the past few weeks
Fancy: So, is that what's going on? Can I help you guys?
Me: Sure, I have some things in the back
We prepared ourselves for the battle ahead, and I recorded a secret message and left it under "secret package", the password? UNDERTALE
Play some epic music now
Me: Everyone... who is actually here, if we fail, the entire forum goes down with us, this battle will decide the fate of possibly the entire Internet, our friends, every website ever, will be destroyed by haters...
Fancy: I have a question: Why are there no hater outbreaks like this in other webisites?
Me: Because you're asking the wrong question, it's not about why there aren't any, but about why don't we hear about them, these happen all the time, but those forums are most of the time cut off from the outside Internet, so we never hear about them, and they have thousands, maybe even millions of websites under their command, but before, they were not organized, but now, with that weird "Shadow" person, they have leadership, and by taking over our HQ, they have weapons, if they're not stopped NOW, there will be no turning back...
Mika: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!
I used the hand power to bring our bikes to us
Mika: Do you think anyone's gonna notice a giant hand?
Me: Nah, the tournament's going on, and some guys got their hands on Cloud already
Mika: It's already going on? We gotta hurry!
We arrived near the tournament
Me: Don't make too much noise, everyone is here, and there's the whole bounty situation
Mika: But we have to find what machine they're going to use!
Me: Hold on a second, I think I can see the others from here
I got the prototype for the glasses 2.0
I used the binoculars mode to try and see them a bit better
Me: It looks like they're with the clones, wait, where are they going? Looks like a backstage area, we should go there!
Fancy: I thought you said to not make too much noise...
We ran over to the backstage area
Me: There they are!
Sunny: Oh, hey look it's wait... What? Just when I was getting used to all this weirdness there are two of them?
D4rk Dragon: Those have gotta be fake!
They readied their weapons
Me: W-Wait! (How can I get out of this...WITHOUT killing anyone?)
Me: Let's try to solve this with a calm chat, like UNDERTALE teaches you to do!
Mika: I don't think that would help a lot right now
Me: I can try...
* Friends appeared
*ACT <
* Spinnerweb <
*Check *Talk *Do Nothing *Be Stupid *Die
Me: Who rigged my ACT menu?
Clone Me: I, the REAL Rsn, have disabled my fake's ACT menu
Me: That's the worst ripoff ever! That's not even how I talk!
"Enemy approaching" starts playing

The clone attacked me
I created a barrier that pushed him back
I noticed something approaching behind me
???: hOI! am tEMMIE!
Clone Me: Run! Temmie! My only weakness!
Me: Uuuuuuuhhhhh............Ooooooookaaaaaaaaaayy
I picked up the temmie
Clone Me: How are you immune to the funny side of the Internet?!
Me: Funny side of the Internet, huh?
I threated the clone with the "extremely dangerous" temmie
* Temmie vibrates intensely
Temmie Village starts playing

Clones: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!11111111one!!!!111!!
Spinner: ...............
Sunny: .................
D4rk Dragon: ................
Mad Queen: ...................
P2: .........................
Mask: ......................
Me: .......................
Mika: ......................
Fancy: .....................
The clones evaporated
Me: So, uh, did you miss us?
Everyone was too confused to answer
After everyone stopped looking so traumatized, I asked something else
Me: Could you guys tell me about what happened since late last night?
Spinner: So, I heard a loud noise coming from the main deck, but when we arrived there, you were okay
Me: That loud noise was actually The Shadow replacing us with those clones
Spinner: Okay, so as I was saying, we arrived at the room, talked for a bit, then today, I woke up to find the clones at the main deck, looking really interested in a hard drive, I hid it, of course. The clones said we should get ready, and that there was a special machine in the backstage area, and that there was a disguised hater among the contestants
Me: Okay, thanks for the info dump, now, I know something should happen right about... NOW!
I slowed down time at the exact moment an explosion happened
I protected my friends and the players from the collapsing ceiling, and hoped the people outside were fine
"Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans" starts playing

Time returned to normal, we ran outside just in time to see The Shadow try to envelop the tournament area with a strange aura
Me: I knew you wouldn't just send the clones, you know, you're not the only one who can predict people's behavior
The Shadow: Oh, really? Then you're probably prepared for a fight!
Spinner threw me my communicator/remote control/pip boy
I called the ship, and activated a secret feature I had ready: The emergency recall
All the equipment in the ship came flying down in special crates
I got my old gear, including my trusty swordgun
Me: Now I'm ready
I fired a beam, he fell to the ground
I slowed down time and eliminated two snipers behind me
Me: (This is it, even if the group is not all together, we can still win)
I ran over and attacked but he dodged
The Shadow: I'm invincible! I now have this wretched world under my domain!
Me: You have zero redeeming qualities, I suggest you start over... as a human being!
I attacked again
The Shadow: You just can't get enough suffering, can you? Then TAKE THIS!
The Shadow fired a beam of hater energy at me, it was a direct hit
Don't give up starts playing

Fancy: NO!
Sunny: Don't give up!
Spinner: Humph, now's not the time to be dying!
Mika: Shouldn't we actually help? He could be dead already
Me: (No, just a bit longer, have to keep going... hold on...)
To be continued...