haii so I decided to write a story about Super Smash Brothers because a random idea for a plot just popped into my head xP First of all, excuse my writing skills..I haven't written anything in about a year ovo;
In the end all the characters will meet up,(hopefully) sorta like Subspace Emissary for brawl :3
Robin sat on a stool in her tent with her arms folded and her head down. Bits of scrunched up parchment and fallen chess pieces were scattered clumsily across the floor. She hadn’t the faintest idea of how long she’d been sitting there, trying to perfect the ultimate strategy, preparing for the next battle. No matter how hard she tried, every idea and every tactic she came up with didn’t seem to be good enough to put to use. Leaning back on the stool, Robin rubbed her temples before crushing and tossing another piece of parchment to the ground.
Constantly having to hop between the smash realm and her own realm had turned out to be more difficult than she originally thought. Sometimes she wished that she could relax—just for a minute or two, but once the cogs in her brain started working, it was pretty hard to get them to stop.
“You look like a mess.”
Robin didn’t have to turn around to know that it was Chrom standing at the doorway. Sometimes she wished he would knock before randomly entering her tent like that. “Thanks.” She muttered, half sarcastically, swiveling round on the seat to face him, “I’m fine.”
Chrom only stood there, his head tilted to one side, “Don’t overwork yourself Robin” he said, with a concerned look on his face.
“That’s an order.”
Robin let out a sigh. “Yes, your royal majesty” she quipped, glancing back at her work. She caught Chrom smirk a little and roll his eyes as he left, leaving the tent in a long, drawn out period of silence that lasted for what seemed like ages. The ticking of the clock and the scratching of her pen nib against the parchment was the only thing that sounded throughout the entire tent. That silence was only interrupted when Robin heard a strange low-pitched noise echoing around the tent. Suspicious and alert, her eyes darted around the room until she was entirely certain that she was alone.
Then she was proved wrong. In just a split moment in time, without warning, a huge monstrous creature leapt out of the shadows. A creature that Robin had to look twice at to make sure that it was real. It was the stuff of nightmares. It stood on four muscular legs with abnormally sharp claws and looked to be made out of shadows itself.
“What in the world…” Robin staggered back, her eyes widening and heart racing. Glancing to her belt, she silently cursed when she realized that she was unarmed. Her eyes scanned the room, and she made a quick grab for the Levin sword positioned on her desk, but the creature was fast. Much faster than her. It cornered her swiftly as if it took no effort at all. Then, before she had time to react, it materialized into a gaping black hole that engulfed her in darkness.
The next thing Robin knew, she was laying face-down on the soil in a crumpled and slightly awkward position. Her vision was blurry and her head was throbbing making it hard for her eyes to adjust to the light.
Greenery….trees…she was in…a forest?
Grimacing, she tried to focus on her surroundings, just about managing to make out the shape of a group of people staring down her. “What…” she spluttered, blinking a few times, “W-what just happened?”
What do you think?
Yep at the start it'll slightly center around Robin (female) I tried my best to keep her in character.
Chrom's not in the rest of the story btw x3
In the end all the characters will meet up,(hopefully) sorta like Subspace Emissary for brawl :3
Robin sat on a stool in her tent with her arms folded and her head down. Bits of scrunched up parchment and fallen chess pieces were scattered clumsily across the floor. She hadn’t the faintest idea of how long she’d been sitting there, trying to perfect the ultimate strategy, preparing for the next battle. No matter how hard she tried, every idea and every tactic she came up with didn’t seem to be good enough to put to use. Leaning back on the stool, Robin rubbed her temples before crushing and tossing another piece of parchment to the ground.
Constantly having to hop between the smash realm and her own realm had turned out to be more difficult than she originally thought. Sometimes she wished that she could relax—just for a minute or two, but once the cogs in her brain started working, it was pretty hard to get them to stop.
“You look like a mess.”
Robin didn’t have to turn around to know that it was Chrom standing at the doorway. Sometimes she wished he would knock before randomly entering her tent like that. “Thanks.” She muttered, half sarcastically, swiveling round on the seat to face him, “I’m fine.”
Chrom only stood there, his head tilted to one side, “Don’t overwork yourself Robin” he said, with a concerned look on his face.
“That’s an order.”
Robin let out a sigh. “Yes, your royal majesty” she quipped, glancing back at her work. She caught Chrom smirk a little and roll his eyes as he left, leaving the tent in a long, drawn out period of silence that lasted for what seemed like ages. The ticking of the clock and the scratching of her pen nib against the parchment was the only thing that sounded throughout the entire tent. That silence was only interrupted when Robin heard a strange low-pitched noise echoing around the tent. Suspicious and alert, her eyes darted around the room until she was entirely certain that she was alone.
Then she was proved wrong. In just a split moment in time, without warning, a huge monstrous creature leapt out of the shadows. A creature that Robin had to look twice at to make sure that it was real. It was the stuff of nightmares. It stood on four muscular legs with abnormally sharp claws and looked to be made out of shadows itself.

“What in the world…” Robin staggered back, her eyes widening and heart racing. Glancing to her belt, she silently cursed when she realized that she was unarmed. Her eyes scanned the room, and she made a quick grab for the Levin sword positioned on her desk, but the creature was fast. Much faster than her. It cornered her swiftly as if it took no effort at all. Then, before she had time to react, it materialized into a gaping black hole that engulfed her in darkness.
The next thing Robin knew, she was laying face-down on the soil in a crumpled and slightly awkward position. Her vision was blurry and her head was throbbing making it hard for her eyes to adjust to the light.
Greenery….trees…she was in…a forest?
Grimacing, she tried to focus on her surroundings, just about managing to make out the shape of a group of people staring down her. “What…” she spluttered, blinking a few times, “W-what just happened?”
What do you think?

Chrom's not in the rest of the story btw x3