Adventure Time: Secret of the Nameless Kingdom is a Zelda-like RPG adventure. You journey around the mysterious Nameless Kingdom as Finn the human with his companion: Jake the dog in search of 3 princesses in order to regain order in the kingdom.
My thoughts:
This game and it's story were very enjoyable for the most part and I loved the little twist around the end. While there are a few glitches and bugs- some big enough that I was unable to complete my progress and had to restart the whole game- it was still an enjoyable experience and I loved every minute of it ( except for every one spent backtracking )
My thoughts:
This game and it's story were very enjoyable for the most part and I loved the little twist around the end. While there are a few glitches and bugs- some big enough that I was unable to complete my progress and had to restart the whole game- it was still an enjoyable experience and I loved every minute of it ( except for every one spent backtracking )