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Blazingken talks about...stuff, Article 3, DLC: the good and the bad part 2

First off I would like to thank my followers for giving me those 5 star ratings on my 3 previous articles, you guys mean the world to me, thank you.

Now, part 2, physical DLC. Physical DLC comes in one form, amiibo or amiibo like NFC toys. So, the main problem with these toys is that they are mostly treated like collectables, rather than actual DLC. For example, you buy a $12.99 amiibo and you get a CPU you can train. Or, in fire emblem fates, you get a new person to train. Seems a little... expensive, doesn't it? The other major problem these NFC gadgets have is not themselves nessisarily, it just seems the makers are getting way over their heads with this. As i am typing this, i would like you to relise there are hundreds of skylanders out there. You buy a $60 game and they expect you to pay $5 for each new character? That, my friends, is the definition of a highway rip off. At least nintendo amiibos are compatible with multiple games (certain amiibos are compatible with like 7 or 8), not just 1! When you buy physical DLC, you should get the amount of money you paid for the DLC and the figurine for free, not the other way around.
Stay blazing mad my kens.