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Collecting NES games just doesn't seem to be that fun like it use to be

The prices for rare NES games have been sky rocketing to the point where the fun of buying NES games is getting boring. Don't get me wrong, I'm still keeping my games. But games like The Flintstones: Surprise At Dinosaur Peak has went from $40.00 to 2 or 3 hundred to a thousand dollars now. Why are these sellers hungry money greedy. The Nintendo World Championship game cart is selling for 15,000.00 dollars. The Gold cart goes for 20,000.00 dollars. Why charge so much for a game cart when you can just get the emulator for free... I still want the game cart. But what is the point of spending your entire life savings for a Game Cart that no one else that you know gives a crap about? The game Stadium Events price is 3,000 something dollars. Why charge for a high price for a game cart? You are taking away peoples hard earn money that they have been working their hands to the bone, for what? So you can get rich, Is that part of your get rich quick scam? These carts might be rare. But there is a limit of how much people can spend. You are NOT the only ones that need to pay bills or put food on the table. Those games are worth $50.00 USD. Stop trying to profit off of them so you can have your own private get. So you bought a game that you found in the attic or the basement. and you went online and found out that it is a rare NES game. So you thought that you, can make a profit off the game for extra cash. Maybe you wasted your money at the casino, and your mortgage is way over due. So you want to sell the NES game for a very high price so you can use someone else hard earn money to fix your mistake. This is why collecting NES games isn't that fun has it used to be. Sellers are selling these games for way to much. Even people that are wealthy don't want to spend that much. If you have a rare NES game that you don't want, Don't sell it online for a extreme high price. It's not other peoples fault that you messed up your life for your taxes not being paid. or your mortgage of your house is way over due. Other people need that money to have a roof over their head and food on the table. Even if you can afford the game.. The price out of whacked.. Think about it. A thousand dollars for a game is way to much for anyone, Not even Donald Trump will pay 20,000 dollars for a rare NES game. This is what really grinds my gears.
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Scalpers are such terrible people.
Totally true. Though next time leave a small gap in between so that it doesn't strain on your eyes. Other than that, its good.