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For glory

For glory is described as the saltiest place on earth. But ask yourself why? Why did a simple online section become so salty, so hated, so frustrating, but yet is the only section most people play?
Now of course YouTubers and some people just like to find bad players and kill them as many times as possible in the silliest ways. But is that right. Is it right to humiliate some one like that. Think of it from there prospective. Like StylesX2 said in one of his videos "Think of some little kid man, coming home and finishing up his homework. Getting on his wii u and playing that like imagine that."
go watch the very end of that video for the quote. He is right think about when we were kids comimg home doing our home work to play Mario 64, ocarina of time, mario sunshine, sonic adventure 2, wind waker. Those kinds of games didn't have online so we do not know the humiliation factor kids today know when they get beat.
"Well whats the problem with it? Its very funny to watch, have you seen any for glory videos there great?" Whats the problem? The problem I see is that most likely you have complained about for glory if you have played smash. "Dude stop spamming, did he really just put Noob as his tag? Oh my god this lag is horrible." While lag we can't help, the rest we can. The reason some people spam is because they have no other way to win because every time they try to win legitimately they get mad fun of. And they just want to win like everyone else. Do I think spamming is OK? No I don't I have said my own things about spammers before but I see where they come from and why they do it.
Instead of making fun of them we should encourage them to lose with class and to see why they lost and to improve from it. Now I know that alot of people aren't going to do this they will stay the salty lump they can be but as long as we can help one person that's a win in my book.
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