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Funny Inspect Element Story

So on Tuesday I was at my Enrichment class and I decided to grab a Chromebook. I logged on to a website that lets you check your grades and I used inspect element to (temporarily) change my grades to this:

Soon everyone around me was like "WTH How did you do that show me" and other people were like "OMG what a hacker". So I showed a couple of people and I showed them how to change the grades to A+ in inspect element.

OK so here is the funny part:
So this one guy in front of me put his hand back on my chromebook and typed random keys and he eventually went to the javascript console. He messed with it and then an error saying "Invalid Argument:Illegal" They thought the guy did something illegal and they freaked out so bad :hilarious: XD XD I eventually told them what it meant but I dont even think they were listening to me :panda:

So thats the end of my story
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LOLOL "illegal" LOLOL
Banana Grades? Cool!
wow! Love those grades! Banana grades!
Bananas are grades too. xD
I heard this in the sb, funny stuff. :D