So, I'll tell you how I found her; I'm really quite proud of myself though it's like any "normal" shiny finding. I decided after finding my shiny Eevee (Sylveon now, actually) whose name is Robby, that I would search for shiny Luxio. I've always wanted one of those cuties, since I first set my eyes on them in the anime. I just found them absolutely... wowsers.
Did a bit of research on where Luxios could be found, lucky for me I didn't have to do the Masuda Method for obtaining a sparkle sphinx thing. Set my sights towards Route 118 and started my ever so tiresome look. By the time my DexNav told me I had seen 150 Luxios I was growing weary but I didn't stop looking, I mean who stops at 150? That's just scratching the surface!
Continued on till I had seen 300 Luxios, still no shinies. It was really getting annoying, but I couldn't seem to put it down so on I continued. I had broken my flipping chain two times now, and I was really hoping they wouldn't break... but noooo, they broke TWO more times afterwards. My final result of them breaking 6 times, thank you very much for my Pokemon running out of PP and my hastiness to get to the hidden Pokemon.
And finally, after reaching 900 search levels for my DexNav, I STILL hadn't found that shiny. I was addicted to looking for them though, and the past night had stayed up almost all night searching. I was talking to a friend on Skype, telling them how aggravated I am. I also watched a number of videos of people successfully finding shiny Luxios, and to some people it might bring them down and think they'll never find one. But ohohoho; watching those made me pumped.
950 Luxios seen, no shiny in sight. I had finished my rant to my friend, who had listened through it all. And they said to me "It also depends on RPG luck".
And I replied: "*-wants my Krokorok to Power Up Punch RPG luck-*"
And do you know what happened? Of course you do!
This thing appeared (

Sorry, I'm pretty bad at story-telling my experiences, but there ya go!