I have some helpful tips for you and your friends.
Be involved.
It's okay to be involved but it's okay to take breaks.
Make mistakes.
Laugh at your mistakes.
Study nature and science (like Reader's Digest).
Stay logical.
Be informed from multiple sources of media.
Sing/Play Instrument
Express yourself
Ignore pessimistic beliefs
Reward happy beliefs.
Forget your thoughts but for a brief amount of time like Slowpoke/Bruh/King
Tell jokes
Follow paths people already travelled
Have fun.
Believe in yourself
Give compliments to others
Have discipline and help others
Treat others the way you deserve to be treated. With respect.
Respect your fellow eldermods
Form your own opinions
Have discretion
Read this over again.
Take a break. Take as long of a break as you need. Got it memorized?
Be involved.
It's okay to be involved but it's okay to take breaks.
Make mistakes.
Laugh at your mistakes.
Study nature and science (like Reader's Digest).
Stay logical.
Be informed from multiple sources of media.
Sing/Play Instrument
Express yourself
Ignore pessimistic beliefs
Reward happy beliefs.
Forget your thoughts but for a brief amount of time like Slowpoke/Bruh/King
Tell jokes
Follow paths people already travelled
Have fun.
Believe in yourself
Give compliments to others
Have discipline and help others
Treat others the way you deserve to be treated. With respect.
Respect your fellow eldermods
Form your own opinions
Have discretion
Read this over again.
Take a break. Take as long of a break as you need. Got it memorized?