One day I wanted to breed my own pokemon so I don't have to get competitive pokemon from shops or breeders. So I tried to get a 5 IV Crobat. Did not end up well. I wanted brave bird for my Crobat so I wanted my Staraptor to breed with Crobat. They were both female. So I tried to get a adament Zubat. I NEVER GOT ONE. After that I just gave up and asked someone to give it to me for play coins. After 3 days I tried to breed for a Oddish. I got a timid oddish with everstone and a power lens. Somehow It has better defense instead of Special attack. GAHHHHH I tried breeding a oddish with a oddish. They were both male. I tried going to reddit and tried to get a 6 iv ditto. It turned out you need a reddit account that is 10 days old. ........................ I quit breeding
Gary Johnson
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@N What he said
I tried breeding and completely failed....
It really does take patience to get a Pokemon with the results you want. Don't quit though!
Starting out is always kind of rough, but once you learn the ropes and you get the hang of it, it should become easier and quicker.

Even when you are experienced at breeding things can sometimes go wrong (like if you forget to breed on a egg move >.>) and giving up then is too early; it would have all been for nothing.
Breeding can be a really big hassle >.<

But sometimes you just have to stick through thick and thin and at least one of them have to go right!