One day I wanted to breed my own pokemon so I don't have to get competitive pokemon from shops or breeders. So I tried to get a 5 IV Crobat. Did not end up well. I wanted brave bird for my Crobat so I wanted my Staraptor to breed with Crobat. They were both female. So I tried to get a adament Zubat. I NEVER GOT ONE. After that I just gave up and asked someone to give it to me for play coins. After 3 days I tried to breed for a Oddish. I got a timid oddish with everstone and a power lens. Somehow It has better defense instead of Special attack. GAHHHHH I tried breeding a oddish with a oddish. They were both male. I tried going to reddit and tried to get a 6 iv ditto. It turned out you need a reddit account that is 10 days old. ........................ I quit breeding