Kim Reviews: Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright

Kim Reviews: Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright

You did pretty well starting as a game reviewer here,fellow member.
In the end,I thought the game was pretty good,although the ending,for me,was rather stupid and felt rushed,but otherwise,it was a great crossover. :)
Great job! :D
I agree; the first few chapters were slow but by late second half they just kept throwing those revelations at you. Nonetheless, it's a fantastic crossover. I'd play the sequel if there was one.
Wow u make a great and precise review! :D
Ahaha I like to write very organized reviews, don't I? :P Glad it made some sense since I avoided spoilers at all cost.
nice ! I really haven't been much of a PL fan but a PW one so might consider getting it at the given chance
You should try the PL series! The stories are really sweet but will also leave you baffled by the end of the game. I love the writers of the game so much, they're so good!