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Legendary Pokemon Adventures: Deoxys Crime Part 1!

Legendary Pokemon Adventures: Deoxys Crime!


Shaymin (Sky Forme)
Police 1
Police 2
PokeMart Worker

Hmm... I am hungry, and my Secret Base also looks like garbage so I will steal some things from the Pokemart.

20 minutes later...

I'm at the Pokemart Parking. Now time to steal!

At the Pokemart...

Buy your Macaroons! Macaroons here! *runs and steals Macaroons* HEY! YOU! Hmm... I wanna buy a few Full Heals please? OK That would be *steals Full Heals* Hey My Full Heals! Don't steal! Hmm... I am going to buy a few Pokeblocks to help me at Contest Spectaculars *gets Pokeblocks* OK Now I need to *steals Pokeblocks* go to the Cashier alright I'll see the... THE POKEBLOCKS ARE GONE?!? I am gonna buy some decorations for our Secret Base. Maybe some Lovely Flowers will do. *steals Folwers* ... The flowers are gone! WHY! Today at Pokemon News, Someone is stealing things from the PokeMart, who is the Thief?

I just saw the news. I think the thief is Deoxys. He is a killer, stealer and a criminal. What do you think Mew?

Mew! [I think he did it].

Hmm.. The news. Could this be, Deoxys? If he is need Giratina's help. Deoxys is a Psychic type while Giratina is a Ghost/Dragon Type and Ghost has a advantage to Psychic so Giratina will get a advantage.

Oh no! They talked about the thief on News, which is... ME!

1. Guys, A thief was at the PokeMart. Who is it? Maybe Deoxys? 2. Maybe?

What will happen next, find out in Part 2! 5 Stars = Awesome!

Latest Comments

Omg so comical loved it!
Yeah it is awesome! Thanks for good rating!