Makoto's Mansion
Chapter 2 - Venturing Forward
Shoko and I started heading for Daisouji Mansion to meet up with everybody, when we spotted a familiar face...
"Daisuke! Shoko!" The person shouted while running towards us. "Hey, isn't that Daichi?" Shoko said. I haven't really mentioned Daichi, but here's a photo of him:
Daichi Kurosake. He's...kind of a pervert, he's like a creepy stalker when it comes to cute girls. He's a nice guy though.
"Hi guys!" Daichi practically yelled. "Hey Kuro-Kun!" Said Shoko. "You guys on your way to Daisouji Tower?" On another note, Daichi is SUPER forgetful, and he never pays any attention to details. But, that's what makes him unique, I guess..."Um, Daichi? It's Daisouji Mansion, Daichi." I told him. "Tower, Mansion, whatever. Let's get going."
We'd finally made it to Daisouji Mansions' Staircase, and met this cutie:
This is Saonji Matoi. I guess you could say I have a "crush" on her. Oh, and if you're curious, this is a picture of me:
Yep, this is what I look like, but we're getting off track with the story. Anyway, as we were climbing, we found another one of our friends, Ash Hanamura . Here's him:
Ash is kind of a social liability, but he's also wiser and more mature, despite his age. He's also the most popular student in Haramoji High School, but no one cares about that right now, do they? That's what I thought.
We'd finally made it to the top of the stairs leading to Daisouji Mansion, only to see a gigantic house covered in tall grass, cobwebs, and moss. "Is everyone ready to enter?" Said Ash. "Nnnggggghhhhhh!!!" Daichi grunted trying to open the giant double doors. "Crap, it won't open!" "Let's all try together." I said, and everyone readied their positions at the door, looking like they were preparing for the fight of their lives. "On three!" One...two....THREE!!!" And with that, we all pushed the door open, but we saw the weirdest thing...the inside of the mansion looked brand new, as if the mansion had just been bought. "What?" Said Shoko. "What's goi-" before Daichi could finish his sentence, there was a large noise from behind us. We all turned around, to see the wooden double doors had turned into reinforced metal doors, which had been bolted shut, which of course put everyone in a panic.
"What the?!" Exclaimed Saonji, as she tried to open the doors, which was useless at the time. It's unclear what caused it, but at that time the power went out. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
After about a minute, the room got silent, and when the lights turned back on..........I was the only one in the room........
OMG so scary lol
I think I did pretty good on such a long chapter, even though half of it's just pictures. Whelp, see you next time!
I don't own any images or links you may have seen while reading. All images, links, or likewise belongs to their rightful owners.
Makoto's Mansion
Chapter 2 - Venturing Forward
Shoko and I started heading for Daisouji Mansion to meet up with everybody, when we spotted a familiar face...
"Daisuke! Shoko!" The person shouted while running towards us. "Hey, isn't that Daichi?" Shoko said. I haven't really mentioned Daichi, but here's a photo of him:
Daichi Kurosake. He's...kind of a pervert, he's like a creepy stalker when it comes to cute girls. He's a nice guy though.
"Hi guys!" Daichi practically yelled. "Hey Kuro-Kun!" Said Shoko. "You guys on your way to Daisouji Tower?" On another note, Daichi is SUPER forgetful, and he never pays any attention to details. But, that's what makes him unique, I guess..."Um, Daichi? It's Daisouji Mansion, Daichi." I told him. "Tower, Mansion, whatever. Let's get going."
We'd finally made it to Daisouji Mansions' Staircase, and met this cutie:
This is Saonji Matoi. I guess you could say I have a "crush" on her. Oh, and if you're curious, this is a picture of me:
Yep, this is what I look like, but we're getting off track with the story. Anyway, as we were climbing, we found another one of our friends, Ash Hanamura . Here's him:
Ash is kind of a social liability, but he's also wiser and more mature, despite his age. He's also the most popular student in Haramoji High School, but no one cares about that right now, do they? That's what I thought.
We'd finally made it to the top of the stairs leading to Daisouji Mansion, only to see a gigantic house covered in tall grass, cobwebs, and moss. "Is everyone ready to enter?" Said Ash. "Nnnggggghhhhhh!!!" Daichi grunted trying to open the giant double doors. "Crap, it won't open!" "Let's all try together." I said, and everyone readied their positions at the door, looking like they were preparing for the fight of their lives. "On three!" One...two....THREE!!!" And with that, we all pushed the door open, but we saw the weirdest thing...the inside of the mansion looked brand new, as if the mansion had just been bought. "What?" Said Shoko. "What's goi-" before Daichi could finish his sentence, there was a large noise from behind us. We all turned around, to see the wooden double doors had turned into reinforced metal doors, which had been bolted shut, which of course put everyone in a panic.
"What the?!" Exclaimed Saonji, as she tried to open the doors, which was useless at the time. It's unclear what caused it, but at that time the power went out. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
After about a minute, the room got silent, and when the lights turned back on..........I was the only one in the room........
OMG so scary lol

I don't own any images or links you may have seen while reading. All images, links, or likewise belongs to their rightful owners.