One night i was wondering to myself "man are there free eshop codes on the Internet?" after seeing a YouTube video,to me,it was to real to me,and I was gullible enough to fall for it,so I searched on google and found these so called "free esho p code generators" so me being excited and flipping like I was having a seizure clicked on the website and then clicked on Yokai watch.I went and did the three "eeeeaaasy" steps first I selected my region,then, I shared it on my google+ account and the final step...selecting a free "offer" so I clicked and it asked me all these weird questions and personal info so I faked it and it was endless surveys after surveys each time I click and filled it out it popped up to a different one.At the moment I was mad and infuriated after 2 hours and was mad at myself for being fooled like a lamb to the slaughter.Afterwards I'm like "there has to be some honest website that gives you free codes" so code generator website after another I grew angrier and angrier then,I searched on YouTube to find some more websites with codes,as I saw a video I almost skipped it and quit but, I let it play and the person in the video went to a website as I squinted and looked at the name,I searched it up gloomily thinking "ugh another one of those dang websites",so the first thing I did was click on "Free eshop codes" after that I read all it had to say, and realized "man...this is legit".Then I signed up but it was hard to find a vacant username so after 20 minutes,I had decided I wanted it to be similar to my NNID but,it was taken so I thought of Pokemon,and I randomly thought "whoa,I just realized mega charizard x is one of the best mega evolutions ever" so,as I was thinking,I thought of my custom Pokemon x self and said "supermike......super.....mike.....THATS IT!!!SuperMikeX!!!" Then I checked to see if it was taken or not and it wasn't!!! After joining I was welcomed and helped by the moderators,and figured out how the swapping friend codes and play coins thing worked and forums,and threads.Then one day I thought of luigi scared with a flashlight and sketched it and soon after colored it and decided to show everyone.They thought it was cool and said they liked it,and I said "I think I finally found that place,to fill that empty "miiverse-won't-let-me-share-friend-codes" shaped-hole in my gamer heart. THE END.