Well,with the weekend tommorow I figured it would be the best time to order me a nn3dsxl I would've ordered one last week but I had to help a relative out and miss out on the deal. After browsing through the list of people that owe me I collected my money and have even more! My real plan is to find one $150 dollars or less I found one but I have to get my aunt to use her PayPal account... I have a bad feeling about asking her but that's my only bridge to eBay. After all that's the same aunt who hates videogames,so I'm getting in touch with my other cousin who I found out had an eBay and a paypal so I'm going to maybe order it soon,hopefully. On my checklist of things I'm trying to do is piling up like,finishing my website,getting a capture card,buying a sound merger software,trying to get another laptop after my old one gave out,getting more wiiu games,and so much more but what my main focus is on ordering that nn3dsxl and getting mice headsets and green board and capture cards and a camcorder or camera (my YouTube equipment is gonna be used...).But for now if I can survive till schools out I can complete most of it and getting a art tablet I think if I work hard enough I can put my money where my mouth is and actually get it done. I also can't wait for super bowl Sunday cause the only reason I'm gonna watch it is for the Pokemon 20th anniversary commercial and the other funny commercials. Maybe,just maybe I might get my xbox360 and wiiu and 3dsxl soon. I really need my 3dsxl so I can transfer all its data once I get the new one. Well in due time I'll keep y'all updated but till next week...CYA!