Mega man NX or 3DS game ideas bonus Part

Mega man NX or 3DS game ideas bonus Part

In this final part(hopefully)of my idea's for a mega man NX or 3Ds game so he can come back.Anyway i will explain multiplayer elements and items you get after you beat a boss and the first mission.I will put the first two parts at the end.

Okay the first mission starts with Doctor wily making a announcement by hacking into the jumbo tron and says he is going to attack by dropping down tons of killer mechs and robots.Dr.Light wakes up mega man and says he needs to save the city.after some platforming you battle a giant mech after you beat him by shooting the arms you get your first item it is called the ray shot gun and you buster changes form into a slanted strait kind of thing with four pit holes so for shooting it shoots four lasers.

When you beat bond man the buster turns into giant laser bonders and that's the name of the power-up.If you know what bond man looks like than you know that mega mans busters will change to bond mans arm cannons. Elecmans power up is called the shock boosters they don't change the buster in stead meg man can shoot lighting from his hands and can charge it up and the thunder goes up in power and if there is a secret area press the down button and charge up you thunder power you can get up into that area easy as cake.

The next one is the plastic shooter with this power up mega mans buster changes in size and the barrel widens so he can shoot hard plastic balls.If you charge it up you get a massive ball and crushes every thing as it rolls away.It is especially useful for hard boss battles.

Virus mans item is called code corrupter with this power up mega mans buster is replace with his regular hand but his hands turn into wireless virus giver but jabbing his arm his enemy's will slow turn off but it's energy runs out quickly.So yeah...sorry

Fossil mans item is called ancient boulder spawner or a.b.s this also replaces your buster with your hands but on your hands are red sensors on them when in use the you can spawn old boulders but they break after it hits a enemy. after you battle lizard man as Protoman you get the the side blade which lizard man uses. With this power up it replaces the buster and shield with arm blades like metal mans saws with this item can change element so it can cut certain enemy's that have a harder metal that take longer hits but like the plastic ball shooter it runs out of energy faster so spam can't be utilized to make the Protoman game section can't be to easy.Switch mans ability is called the switch hammer and it turns the buster into a hammer.The reason is because if you charge it switches color from standered blue to charged up green.

The final item is called the laser shield with this one it doesn't change the buster but the edge's of the shield turn into laser edge's when you attack Protoman throws his shield like a boomerang and the laser edge's damage enemy's.For Neka's items there gonna be very long to list so here we go.Ice man 2.0's item makes your buster change into a flamethrower kind of look and sprays ice that instantly freezes a enemy.Cut man 2.o's item makes his busters be replaced with scissors and makes enemy's that take 5 or 4 hits only take 2 hits.Gutsman 2.0's item makes the buster into giant steel fist's.Finally flame man 2.0 makes neka's buster become into rocket launchers but the flames can change in hot from standered red fire to charged white fire.okay i can't explain all the ones in destroy all robots.

I have covered multiplayer before but no much but i just came up with a new mode is called survive the horde if you remember part 2 i told of doctor wily's new evil army of robots idea this game mode will take place on a ice area and you can play as 3 different characters Mega man, Protoman and my new character i made up named Neka which i talked about in part 2 anyway this game mode is a download play or local play kind of thing.Free for all and team vs well i didn't explain much but i forgot to talk about that items will spawn on the map they will all of the items in the single player story but after a new match they wear off and with the upgrade you buy before a match can make the power ups more powerful and make your next game outcome unexpected.This mode also reintroduces the pink sniper joes that were in the mechs/walkers in mega man 2 and they will spawn at rounds 6 and up. and the same thing goes for the regular sniper joes from the other mega man games.The currency In this game are gold chips which are how you buy upgrades.There are also blue chips in levels there are 5 in each level if you want to 100% the game you have to find all 5 in each level

thank you for listening to this bye i'll make more game ideas for The NX and 3Ds

Part 1

part 2
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People don't treat megaman like he should be treated anymore. Little do they know that Gunvolt is a somewhat addition to the series
so did you like it? and i fully understand what you mean