Mega man NX or 3DS game ideas Part 2

Mega man NX or 3DS game ideas Part 2

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If you remember a couple days ago i did a blog post on a mega man game idea for either the NX and 3Ds and i'm gonna continue a new mega man game idea that i started a few days ago. here is the first one

DLC okay i have the best idea for it.The first DLC pack is going to both expand the story with Protoman so the story goes is that while Dr.wily is plotting a new way to take over the world he send bass to take out Protoman for betraying him in the mega man 10 events so bass sends 3 robot masters but they are both more advanced and Protoman used to be part of this group anyway now for the names.The first robot is lizard his stage is theme'd by a jungle with robot snakes,lizards and other jungle things.

The second robot is switch man with a stage that is like hell with the switches fro super Mario you know the ones that every time you jump they switch sides yeah the enemy's will be killer switches and other stuff

The Final robot is laser man (cheesy i know) with a hard stage that has lots of death rays and tons of laser shooting robots.then you fight bass and after you defeat him you beat the game but then a cut scene showing Dr.wilys new plan a evil army of robot soldiers (now dr wilys power level is over 9000).

The second DLC will introduce a new character called Neka one of Dr.wilys new robot soldiers so his story is like finns from star wars 7 so since he was left by his troop after the attack he is found by both proto man and mega man for interrogation after Dr.light takes intrested in him and takes him and renames him Neka he has a green color and this is going to be a douse you have to fight all of the original robot masters and all of the not including elecman are all upgraded and the you fight bass and he is tougher than ever and have a laser sword and a buster this time so yeah at the end you injure bass so much he need criticle repairs. and soon has to wear a kind of helmet from his battle network form but with a combo with his original helmet.(well he is now a darth vader)

Than the final DLC pack titled destroy all robots were you fight all of the robot masters from all three storys but you are able to choose which character you want to play as either mega man or protoman or neka then you get to the bass boss and he is the toughest with a red laser sword(he is so darth vader) and after you beat him you face Dr.wily with a huger mech then last time and the weak spot's this time is on the arms legs and and head and then after one final blow he is well defeated and well he goes off and will plot a new evil plan.

so yeah and also bass survives anyway i hope you enjoyed i will make more game ideas for NX or 3Ds games anyways see you next time
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