Multiplayer for Legend of Zelda games?

Multiplayer for Legend of Zelda games?

Multiplayer options for Legend of Zelda Games?

Multiplayer... Its a bit of a difficult call really, depending on what the game is, whether it's a spin off or a full game really. Don't get me wrong, i love multiplayer games, i play them next to everyday and i love it, but i feel like it would be a bit weird having a multiplayer aspect to LoZ. Hmm let me Elaborate, (this may get a little long depending on how i feel>.>):

Would having Multiplayer for Legend of Zelda games work? could we also include a single player feat.?
Spin off's aside ( in a few cases, such as Hyrule warriors created with Dynasty warriors where it is more of a strategy and beat em up game), let's consider the Genre of Legend of Zelda games, the genre is generally puzzle based, and has generally been single player based throughout the series. A Multiplayer aspect would open up a whole new range of possible puzzle tasks, that would require teamwork and skill to complete the puzzle and reach the next part, this would be a fun idea and would definitely spark the community in a positive way.
However we must consider the fact that, in the aspect that this game is playable with only one player, the tasks must be able to be completed with one player alone, which could be hard to implement, just for the fact that you may have to make the multiplayer and single player type missions exclusive. Another thing that could be implemented would be if there was an option to choose whether you are playing alone or with another person or set of people when you first start the game or have different save files. If this is not an implementable feature then we would expect that this would be a co op or multiplayer game only.

What kind of multiplayer are we talking about specifically?
Now, there are many different types of multiplayer that are in this modern day of gaming, for example we have normal co op with one friend, or we could have a multiplayer up to four players, or we have a lobby or MMO type style of multiplayer. Which one would suit a Legend of Zelda game the best?

  • Co op - having co op games would work very well in the kind of "work together!" type of game, you can truly put your trust into the other player and count on their skill and determination as well as your own to complete puzzle tasks, which would be a lot of fun and challenging. Communication would be best in this category, as you don't have a group all talking at once which would hectic, it would just be you and another person.

  • Multiplayer(up to four players) - multiplayer games are pretty swell, and having an "up to 4 players" would possibly include having different tasks to perform based on the amount of people in the party, this would also change the difficulty too which would not be an automatic option in co op. IF you have up to four players, the tasks could be set out so that the party of four is split into two pairs and have to complete a set of puzzle tasks in order to find each other and save the princess as a group (say that you need the four players to have a chance of trying to save the princess in a boss battle), much like in certain missions in GTA online where you split up to do different tasks to secure items and stuff.

  • Lobbies/MMO's - Honestly, i'm not a huge fan of having an MMO styled LoZ puzzle game, it would feel too much like many other MMORPG's out there already but with a LoZ reskin, it would generally have similar quests to ones you would find in the other MMO's and would get bland after say up to 50 hours depending on how good the game is. In this aspect it would work better if for a Lobby or MMO that the game would be similar to Hyrule Warriors where it is a beat em up, and clashes in a similar style to Planetside 2 where you are a warrior for one of a few different colonies and, in this case, you are serving for your princess or master, one colony could be the Princess Zelda's, another could be Gannondorf's, i think the idea could be cool, there could be some areas in the map where puzzles need to be done to get past (or you could take a long route and go around it), but this idea is not knockable, i think it could be a success!
Note - in both Multiplayer and Lobby/MMO type games, we could have the implementation of customization in the design of character, for example heights, looks and even traits they own (one player may be able to run a little bit faster or can hit enemies harder, but another player may have more stamina and can keep going for longer)

Profiles, Levels and Achievement based systems
This could be quite a unique feature that could be added into a multiplayer based game for LoZ, what could happen is that when doing co op missions throughout the story, a criteria of different aspects could be accumulated to give you points to your profile level and level it up, whilst also giving you some form of money (exclusive to the criteria and achievements, not earned by breaking pots :p) that you could use to buy special items, such as weapon reskins, clothes(that won't affect how well you are protected or anything, just for style ;P) and some fun items( such as an instrument ----> toy ocarina!!! confirm it nintendo!). Playing for a certain amount of time, finding special easter eggs and just doing certain tasks and stuff can also give you experience and points too, i think this would be a fun way just to bring more interaction within the community. They could also implement leaderboard systems to that you can rank up your fastest time for completing a level with other people.

We could also have a trait based system, as previously stated, so that you can develop and hone your skills in certain skill trees which will help you perform certain tasks which are not possible to be done otherwise, as well as just getting stronger, gaining stamina and health, vitality and more.

Also, for fun they could add a habit's trait, there was something like it in an old zombie survival game where you could be able to do something, but it has a cost and so you must pick a negative trait so that you can gain this ability, such as being a drunkard gave you the ability to do a roll but meant that you had to find a drink of alcohol every so often, it was funny. Here is a picture that can be related

Final Verdict
Co op type game ----> Proper LoZ game with storyline,
main genre = Puzzle, Adventure
sub genre = Beat 'em up, Mystery

Multiplayer (up to 4 players) ----> Semi proper LoZ game, more action than storyline
main genre = Puzzle/ Beat 'em up, Adventure
sub genre = Puzzle/Beat 'em up

Lobby/MMO type game ----> spin off game, a lot more to do with action and fighting than storyline but with more quests
main genre = Fighting, Beat 'em up, Tactical/Strategy
sub genre = Role Play

This was my first Blog Post, i hope it was enjoyable to read as i don't really know much of how blog posts should be presented, any feedback on how to improve this post is welcome, thanks for reading!
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4.33 star(s) 3 ratings

Latest Comments

Awesome info! Lots of words though but very important
i only have 1 legends of zelda game and there is a lot of good stuff
Not that i care about the rating or anything, but when you say that there is a lot of good stuff, are you referring to the game that you own? I'm just a little confused on how i read your comment XD
Lots of great info and great extended info on my (I think) idea :D