Great article. Not just theories based on nothing, there's a real plan here.
Not sure If I'd like it the way you described it though. I never liked home consoles (PC all the way...) but on the other hand, I feel like Nintendo was the only one to keep making them right (though they don't always manage to sell them as you said), the other two just milking money out of it. So while I'd be happy to have Nintendo focusing on making an awesome successor to the 3DS I love, I wouldn't want them to leave the home market to these sharks either...
To put it into perspective, developing for the 3DS is developing for a handheld console with specs equivalent to 6th gen hardware with lower than standard definition home consoles, the Wii U is an HD console steonger than 7th gen hardware. The 3DS's architecture is also much more friendly.
It's like the difference between developing for a PSP and a PS4, kinda.