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My Wii U doesn't work anymore!!!

Aw man, that really stinks, i'm sorry about that. That's why I prefer and recommend getting the discs because then if anything happens like that, you don't also lose all of your games. Did you even take it to a repair place? It seems unlikely that there would be no way to fix it and you absolutely had no other choice but to scrap it. I don't know. That's just my opinion.
Oh no that's terrible! D: I hope you got it/ will get it fixed soon
Lel my wii u fell of this really high table while i was playing splatoon. The HDMI cable dissconected so i was worried... went to check and my inkling was in the middle of the match and my wii u was all broken xD i was still playing
Hmm...have you tried any other software besides Shantae? Following that, take the Wii u to a repair guy and have him see what's wrong with it. It's possible it may just be a minor thing that needs fixing
Legendary Jam
Legendary Jam
Yeah I have tried other things and that's probably it. I'll try getting someone to fix it.
Well what does it do? Freeze? Come up with an error message? Have you done anything to any of the software yourself? Have you dropped it at some point? When does it stop working?

Just saying it stops working doesn't give us much information to help you on. But as San's said, it's probably best to contact nintendo themselves and explain to them what's happened or if it's still got a warrenty then take it back to where you brought it.
Legendary Jam
Legendary Jam
Like I said it just stopped. I have no explanation for it. It was never damaged in any way. Never dropped or anything. It just doesn't work and I tried many things to fix it. :(
That's when you get a new Wii U and call Nintendo to transfer your NNID to your new Wii U.
Legendary Jam
Legendary Jam
Yes I know but it randomly happened and I'm worried it might happen again. Also I feel like getting a PS4 would be good because it gives me a chance to have a different system. (It also has Doom on it).