The following is about a strange dream i had a while back, just thought id share for fun
I was inside of a house, just in front of the double doors that led outside. The entire outdoors was completely encased in ice: the sky was a cloudy blank, the outdoors apparently far enough below zero (or barely above it) that the frozen outside remained constant, unchanging. All i that could be seen out there was ice; ice that was so thick, it was nearly impossible to see what was underneath. The interior of where i stood was the only thing that seemed to have any heat at all, and the only thing that was not encased in a thick layer of ice. I was struggling to force the doors open, i made several attempts to open them but they wouldn't; they would shake with each pull i made, but didn't part at all. I heard a man's voice yelling behind me, but i was too scared and in panic to bother listening. Likewise, he seemed to come gradually closer as though trying to pursue and capture me. As the voice grew louder, my panic increased and i noticed my physical strength increased in reaction to my intense stress in the heated situation. I heard something crack as i continued trying to force the doors open, then gave one big yank which successfully opened them and broke the ice that froze them shut. Without waiting another second, i ran outdoors and ran through the frigid outdoors; going as far away from whoever that man was as best i could. The weird thing was i didn't slip on the ice at all; i was easily treading it the way you would tread solid ground that wasn't icy at all. I ran, ran, ran.... not looking behind even once. I wasnt even sure where i was going; just trying to get away from whatever guy was after me. I had never felt this scared in my life; i felt seriously threatened in the heat of all of this. What was going on? And why was that house the only thing that wasn't completely frozen? It was like winter had struck the entire area for no apparent reason; all within a matter of seconds. But i didn't care; all i could think about was running away from that guy as far as possible. Suddenly, i remembered one of my special traits i seemed to have: if i am under extreme stress, storms can crop up in the area in reaction to my feelings, my physical strength is much higher than normal, my overall attributes and potential higher than under normal conditions. This was what i was afraid of: to accidentally hurt someone i care about or whip up a bad storm if i got too scared or unstable otherwise; i feared my own power because i didn't want to hurt anyone. I didn't know how to control this power, and because i was this scared, the entire outdoors was nothing but an icy realm. After running for what felt like forever, i stopped in a wide open space that seemed like what was a town square of some kind with a statue in the middle that i didn't recognize; the entire place was completely deserted. No humans, no animals, or living beings of any kind; it literally felt empty like an icy husk. I suddenly stopped in the heat of my panic and said aloud "Did i.... kill everyone..?" The entire place was silent; not even any animal sounds you would normally hear in the everyday world of nature. No human voices even seemed to mildly echo; the area was utter silence. It was so quiet i wondered if this so-called city was even earth. It was lifeless enough for me to question that, as anyone naturally would. I suddenly felt myself calming down from the silence, forgetting about the man who tried to catch me. I suddenly realized whoever that guy was, he was clearly after my power with the intent to use it for his own sick desires or whatever his plans were. Was i supposed to be on this frigid planet, or was i taken here against my will? Even worse, what if that guy deliberately put me through all of that pain to freeze over the entire earth and kill every human being existing? If that was true, he already succeeded and there was nothing i could do about it; it was too late. I suddenly moaned and felt tears slide down my face; i felt awful. The area was very empty. Everyone was dead except me and the madman who scared me away. I had done something i couldn't undo. But was it really my fault? Or is the unknown predator responsible for this? Hoping i was wrong, i suddenly bolted a wing and flew high above the area, until the whole planet was visible to me. I gazed at it hopefully, wishing that i was wrong and that it was just whatever town i was in that was frozen solid. I noticed that the entire planet wasnt completely frozen; a large circle was completely ice, but there was still water and normal land across much of the earth. I managed a faint smile as a tear rolled down my face, seeing that it wasnt all over. Life was still happening on different parts of the world, animals still defending their kind somewhere out there, people fighting to help each other through times both good and bad. I suddenly folded my hands together gently, realizing i was still a tad shaky, and said "Thank you.... thank you for showing me its not completely hopeless--that all is not lost...." I wasnt even sure who i was calling out to, but i suddenly felt as though someone was smiling upon me from an unseen location. It felt familiar but i was too shaken to know who it was.
This was a strange dream, i woke up then not understanding why i had it (it was very random and clearly irrelevant to my activities at the time), and now when i remember it i find myself thinking "its like i became kyurem in that dream and had uncontrollable ice powers, ran scared out of some random house into a frozen over land that looked like kyurem had gone on a icy rampage (yes the ice was that thick, no joke lol) i also dont remember seeing the man's face in the dream, the mysterious guy that was close enough behind me i could tell he was trying to prevent me from escaping. For some reason this is one of the only dreams ive had a good while ago that i still keep remembering, like it doesn't repeat in my sleep but the images come back to my head a lot, especially the part where i broke the door open and stepped outside, immediately before running nonstop. So I decided to write it here since it keeps coming back (memory surfacing, which happens to me with a lot of things not just dreams) just to get it out since i keep having flashbacks of it, maybe because i hate the recent hot sticky weather and want winter to come back (very badly by the way lol, for real). May write abouit more dreams as long as they dont slip 1 hour after waking up (this is what usually happens). Other than the above, thats about all of it (it was a while ago but i remember it like it was yesterday, it was actually more than a month ago tbh).
Might start a blog series about mysterious dreams i have such as the one up there, but wont say for certain. I will not write about every dream under the sun, i will only choose select ones, in that i will only post them if i decide its worth posting (this isnt facebook lol).
I was inside of a house, just in front of the double doors that led outside. The entire outdoors was completely encased in ice: the sky was a cloudy blank, the outdoors apparently far enough below zero (or barely above it) that the frozen outside remained constant, unchanging. All i that could be seen out there was ice; ice that was so thick, it was nearly impossible to see what was underneath. The interior of where i stood was the only thing that seemed to have any heat at all, and the only thing that was not encased in a thick layer of ice. I was struggling to force the doors open, i made several attempts to open them but they wouldn't; they would shake with each pull i made, but didn't part at all. I heard a man's voice yelling behind me, but i was too scared and in panic to bother listening. Likewise, he seemed to come gradually closer as though trying to pursue and capture me. As the voice grew louder, my panic increased and i noticed my physical strength increased in reaction to my intense stress in the heated situation. I heard something crack as i continued trying to force the doors open, then gave one big yank which successfully opened them and broke the ice that froze them shut. Without waiting another second, i ran outdoors and ran through the frigid outdoors; going as far away from whoever that man was as best i could. The weird thing was i didn't slip on the ice at all; i was easily treading it the way you would tread solid ground that wasn't icy at all. I ran, ran, ran.... not looking behind even once. I wasnt even sure where i was going; just trying to get away from whatever guy was after me. I had never felt this scared in my life; i felt seriously threatened in the heat of all of this. What was going on? And why was that house the only thing that wasn't completely frozen? It was like winter had struck the entire area for no apparent reason; all within a matter of seconds. But i didn't care; all i could think about was running away from that guy as far as possible. Suddenly, i remembered one of my special traits i seemed to have: if i am under extreme stress, storms can crop up in the area in reaction to my feelings, my physical strength is much higher than normal, my overall attributes and potential higher than under normal conditions. This was what i was afraid of: to accidentally hurt someone i care about or whip up a bad storm if i got too scared or unstable otherwise; i feared my own power because i didn't want to hurt anyone. I didn't know how to control this power, and because i was this scared, the entire outdoors was nothing but an icy realm. After running for what felt like forever, i stopped in a wide open space that seemed like what was a town square of some kind with a statue in the middle that i didn't recognize; the entire place was completely deserted. No humans, no animals, or living beings of any kind; it literally felt empty like an icy husk. I suddenly stopped in the heat of my panic and said aloud "Did i.... kill everyone..?" The entire place was silent; not even any animal sounds you would normally hear in the everyday world of nature. No human voices even seemed to mildly echo; the area was utter silence. It was so quiet i wondered if this so-called city was even earth. It was lifeless enough for me to question that, as anyone naturally would. I suddenly felt myself calming down from the silence, forgetting about the man who tried to catch me. I suddenly realized whoever that guy was, he was clearly after my power with the intent to use it for his own sick desires or whatever his plans were. Was i supposed to be on this frigid planet, or was i taken here against my will? Even worse, what if that guy deliberately put me through all of that pain to freeze over the entire earth and kill every human being existing? If that was true, he already succeeded and there was nothing i could do about it; it was too late. I suddenly moaned and felt tears slide down my face; i felt awful. The area was very empty. Everyone was dead except me and the madman who scared me away. I had done something i couldn't undo. But was it really my fault? Or is the unknown predator responsible for this? Hoping i was wrong, i suddenly bolted a wing and flew high above the area, until the whole planet was visible to me. I gazed at it hopefully, wishing that i was wrong and that it was just whatever town i was in that was frozen solid. I noticed that the entire planet wasnt completely frozen; a large circle was completely ice, but there was still water and normal land across much of the earth. I managed a faint smile as a tear rolled down my face, seeing that it wasnt all over. Life was still happening on different parts of the world, animals still defending their kind somewhere out there, people fighting to help each other through times both good and bad. I suddenly folded my hands together gently, realizing i was still a tad shaky, and said "Thank you.... thank you for showing me its not completely hopeless--that all is not lost...." I wasnt even sure who i was calling out to, but i suddenly felt as though someone was smiling upon me from an unseen location. It felt familiar but i was too shaken to know who it was.
This was a strange dream, i woke up then not understanding why i had it (it was very random and clearly irrelevant to my activities at the time), and now when i remember it i find myself thinking "its like i became kyurem in that dream and had uncontrollable ice powers, ran scared out of some random house into a frozen over land that looked like kyurem had gone on a icy rampage (yes the ice was that thick, no joke lol) i also dont remember seeing the man's face in the dream, the mysterious guy that was close enough behind me i could tell he was trying to prevent me from escaping. For some reason this is one of the only dreams ive had a good while ago that i still keep remembering, like it doesn't repeat in my sleep but the images come back to my head a lot, especially the part where i broke the door open and stepped outside, immediately before running nonstop. So I decided to write it here since it keeps coming back (memory surfacing, which happens to me with a lot of things not just dreams) just to get it out since i keep having flashbacks of it, maybe because i hate the recent hot sticky weather and want winter to come back (very badly by the way lol, for real). May write abouit more dreams as long as they dont slip 1 hour after waking up (this is what usually happens). Other than the above, thats about all of it (it was a while ago but i remember it like it was yesterday, it was actually more than a month ago tbh).
Might start a blog series about mysterious dreams i have such as the one up there, but wont say for certain. I will not write about every dream under the sun, i will only choose select ones, in that i will only post them if i decide its worth posting (this isnt facebook lol).