ThePokeChamp was battling in pokemon when np2016 was at the shoutbox having coffee (srsly wheres the tea?). Earlier, champ had bet 5 pc on the battle. After fighting a blaziken, and won 5 pc after the battle. But thanks to the fact I have a writer's block, I have no idea what to write about how they got to the pokemon world, so just deal with it. OK fine I will make how they got there.
The trainer with the blaziken was angered and somehow magiclly sent them to the pokemon world as a punishment, very magic, wow, go figure. Then, I realised my stories were being idiotic so I would have to stop being incredibly starcastic and making constant 4th wall breaks. As pokechamp and NP2016 traveled there, they saw all the pokemon there at the reigon they were going to: the unknown reigon. Which meant they were in a world of internet meme'd pokemon. Oh no...
Pikachu's were everywhere. Houses were yellow with pikachus inside, including mailboxes, video games, clothing, everything was yellow, with something related to pikachu. Then, NP2016 saw the last remaning torchic, and pikachu's with wing's picked it up and went to a place. Then a scream of a bird could be heard from a mile away, heard by NP2016 and champ "Champ, why does this always happen to us and nobody else in the sb?" "I was just battling in pokemon and I was sent here to be tortured. Who does that?" In the distance, 1 pika could be heard. Then, another. Suddenly, at least 3 pikas were constantly shouting and then there was 10. It was getting louder, as 30 of them were shouting "PIKA PIKA PIKA!" Now, it was gathering over 90 of them, soon to be 120. Then, they chased down NP2016 and champ. "Hi pikachu.." Said NP2016, but he got trampled by the pikachu's and (most likely) died. Then, champ kept on running and then the story's writer, (me) was in a pikachu tree with pikachu clothing. Champ made his way up and asked
me to change the story so that NP would not die, and I put him back into the story because I could. Then, they asked me to send them back to the sb, but I flew away instead.
The crowd of pikachu's were getting closer to champ and NP2016. NP2016 said the curse that would free them and destroy the pikachu's:
Swiper, no swiping. Swiper, no swiping. Swiper no swiping!
Then, np2016 and champ returned home because all the pikachus said "Oh man!" And then immediately exploded.
The End
The trainer with the blaziken was angered and somehow magiclly sent them to the pokemon world as a punishment, very magic, wow, go figure. Then, I realised my stories were being idiotic so I would have to stop being incredibly starcastic and making constant 4th wall breaks. As pokechamp and NP2016 traveled there, they saw all the pokemon there at the reigon they were going to: the unknown reigon. Which meant they were in a world of internet meme'd pokemon. Oh no...
Pikachu's were everywhere. Houses were yellow with pikachus inside, including mailboxes, video games, clothing, everything was yellow, with something related to pikachu. Then, NP2016 saw the last remaning torchic, and pikachu's with wing's picked it up and went to a place. Then a scream of a bird could be heard from a mile away, heard by NP2016 and champ "Champ, why does this always happen to us and nobody else in the sb?" "I was just battling in pokemon and I was sent here to be tortured. Who does that?" In the distance, 1 pika could be heard. Then, another. Suddenly, at least 3 pikas were constantly shouting and then there was 10. It was getting louder, as 30 of them were shouting "PIKA PIKA PIKA!" Now, it was gathering over 90 of them, soon to be 120. Then, they chased down NP2016 and champ. "Hi pikachu.." Said NP2016, but he got trampled by the pikachu's and (most likely) died. Then, champ kept on running and then the story's writer, (me) was in a pikachu tree with pikachu clothing. Champ made his way up and asked
me to change the story so that NP would not die, and I put him back into the story because I could. Then, they asked me to send them back to the sb, but I flew away instead.
The crowd of pikachu's were getting closer to champ and NP2016. NP2016 said the curse that would free them and destroy the pikachu's:
Swiper, no swiping. Swiper, no swiping. Swiper no swiping!
Then, np2016 and champ returned home because all the pikachus said "Oh man!" And then immediately exploded.
The End