"NP2016 WAKE THE FRIGGLES UP!" "What? Where the friggles are we?" "I don't know." Who put them there?
So, np2016 and thepokechamp wake up in a dark and scary room with clothes of sonic the hedgehog merchandise and shoes and new hairstyles. They are trapped in 2 chairs in a seat with ropes tied around. "Do you want to play a game?" "Uh, yes, smash bros 4." "No, not that game, a game about death." "Na, a little dark for me-" "SILENCE. YOU HAVE NO CHOICE IDIOT." "Hey!" "So anyways, inside of thepokechamps back is a sonic doll with a hidden bomb inside. You have 30 minutes to tear through champ with your hands. "Wow, that sounds like fun. Alot of frickin fun..." "I'm gonna do it." "WHAT THE FRIGGLES MAN???!!" "Because I want to make it out here alive, duh." "Me too! So why don't we just leave and find a way out ourselfs? "Because NP is untied. And the door is locked." "Why are you so sick? Wait a second...you are from that old horror movie jaws!" "What? I am jigsaw you idiot, not some weird shark..." "I don't give a shizzle!" "You idiots! Why arent you panicking about the fact you already wasted 2 minutes! "Because I have a cookie that will set me free!" ThePokeChamp ate some weird cookie and became free. "If you sit up the bomb will set to 10 second-" "Ok then!" "These hands will cut you open heuhuhe." "Why do you want to kill me np?"
"You want to take down the pedia...with the dreaded...bannana gun!"
*que dramatic music* "Tough luck." Then, ThePokeChamp ate another cookie that telported the sonic doll out of himself, and attempted to stop the bomb and get the key inside, but it looked really freakin gross so they decided to use another teleporter cookie to teleport both of them out. "Tough luck to jaws!" *eats cookie and telports both of them to outside* "YOU TELPORTED US OUTSIDE? PLS NO, WE ARE NINTENDO GEEKS! I MUST SUMMON KIRBY TO PUT US IN OUR HOUSE TO PLAY NINTENDO GAMES! THE LIGHT WILL KILL US BOTH!"
NP2016 summoned kirby and he came from the light. He grew wings and both of them were put in there houses.
The End Of A Really Strange Story
So, np2016 and thepokechamp wake up in a dark and scary room with clothes of sonic the hedgehog merchandise and shoes and new hairstyles. They are trapped in 2 chairs in a seat with ropes tied around. "Do you want to play a game?" "Uh, yes, smash bros 4." "No, not that game, a game about death." "Na, a little dark for me-" "SILENCE. YOU HAVE NO CHOICE IDIOT." "Hey!" "So anyways, inside of thepokechamps back is a sonic doll with a hidden bomb inside. You have 30 minutes to tear through champ with your hands. "Wow, that sounds like fun. Alot of frickin fun..." "I'm gonna do it." "WHAT THE FRIGGLES MAN???!!" "Because I want to make it out here alive, duh." "Me too! So why don't we just leave and find a way out ourselfs? "Because NP is untied. And the door is locked." "Why are you so sick? Wait a second...you are from that old horror movie jaws!" "What? I am jigsaw you idiot, not some weird shark..." "I don't give a shizzle!" "You idiots! Why arent you panicking about the fact you already wasted 2 minutes! "Because I have a cookie that will set me free!" ThePokeChamp ate some weird cookie and became free. "If you sit up the bomb will set to 10 second-" "Ok then!" "These hands will cut you open heuhuhe." "Why do you want to kill me np?"
"You want to take down the pedia...with the dreaded...bannana gun!"
*que dramatic music* "Tough luck." Then, ThePokeChamp ate another cookie that telported the sonic doll out of himself, and attempted to stop the bomb and get the key inside, but it looked really freakin gross so they decided to use another teleporter cookie to teleport both of them out. "Tough luck to jaws!" *eats cookie and telports both of them to outside* "YOU TELPORTED US OUTSIDE? PLS NO, WE ARE NINTENDO GEEKS! I MUST SUMMON KIRBY TO PUT US IN OUR HOUSE TO PLAY NINTENDO GAMES! THE LIGHT WILL KILL US BOTH!"
NP2016 summoned kirby and he came from the light. He grew wings and both of them were put in there houses.
The End Of A Really Strange Story