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Parappa the Executer:The death of Sunny Funny (Ch.5)

Pinto was holding a pointy seringe and pepper spray in her hand waiting to end parappa life forever. When Parappa turned around pinto sprayed the pepper spray really quick. "It burns!", Parappa cried. Pinto began to lay on top of parappa to stab him with the sirenge. Fortunately Parappa eyes stopped watering from the pepper spray and began to see. When parappa saw his sister with the seringe he immediatelythrew her off. "If you want to play like that fine!", Parappa shouted. Parappa smiled evillyand took out the stun gun. Both Parappa and pinto were frozen into place. Parappa knocked over newspapers on a table to run without his sister seeing. 'zap' Pinto gets shock by parappa's stun gun. Then parappa kicks pinto in the rib and snatches her seringe. Then he stabs her with it leaving her weak. Pinto walks to a table were it has a long and sharp kitchen knife. She grabs it then.....................stabs herself wih it repeadly. Parappa was just watching her kill her self mindlessly. Pinto was left for dead with parappa a step closer to his goal.

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