Pedian Reviewer - Lost Dimension

Pedian Reviewer - Lost Dimension


Lost Dimension is a strategy rpg for the PS3 and PS Vita, developed by Atlus. It's a modern-day rpg with various particularly interesting elements that move the story. Now, lets get started!
Beginning Components
Frankly, the opening to this game gave me the chills. A variety of colors and sounds elegantly placed together identifying one theme. Pretty chilling >.<

You assume the role of Sho Kasugai, an 18 year old boy who has the gift of pre-recognition, A.K.A, the ability to see the future. You are placed on a team of 10 more people with psychic gifts, and are dubbed as S.E.A.L.E.D. You suddenly wake up in a tower with no recollection of how you got here, or who anyone on your team is, but you know you have to get to the top, and defeat The End, a man who plots to destroy the new world within 13 days.
Battle Mechanics

You can take up to 6 members of S.E.A.L.E.D out of 11 into battle. Characters will be able to move a certain distance before having to decide on an action to take. You can attack, depending on the range of your weapon, use a gift, which is a certain power everyone has, defer, which is giving your turn to someone who already took theirs, item, which is self explanitory, or wait, which is also self explanitory.

Unfortunatly, there are some members on your team who will try to betray you, and its up to Sho to expose them. The player must utilize Sho's gift of pre-recognition to guess who. After every battle, Sho will start to hear the party's inner thoughts, so pay attention to what the party members say after every battle. Try different combinations of party members and see what they say.

At the end of each floor, you will come to the sacrifice room. Unfortunatly, the group must sacrifice one of their own on each floor to ascend the tower. This is the players chance to expose the traitor and "erase" them. The other members of the team will go with their gut feelings, but the player will have to rely on the evidence to vote correctly. On your first playthrough, the traitor for the first floor is pre-determined, after that, the training wheels come off, as the traitors will be randomized on each playthrough. Most importantly, make sure you don't erase an innocent, because it will come back to haunt you later on ;)

Total Score: 8.9/10
The game is basically if Danganronpa were an rpg. Its still pretty good, and has multiple ending depending on the choices you make during judgement. Its actually a really good game, the only bad thing is that you cant get too attached to one character, as they could be betray you ;~;

Latest Comments

Pretty good review brah. I love this game, though not to the extent I love danganronpa. One thing I would recommend you doing is stating what you didn't like about the game. I mean, from the sounds of it, it doesn't seem like there's anything you disliked, but it got a 8.9, so there was obviously something wrong, right?
Whats wrong is that tou cant get too attached to any character as thay can be the traitor

I really like one of the characters but i think hes gonna be the next traitor >.<
This is wonderfully presented, Persona-chan! One of the best reviews - official and otherwise - I've read in awhile. :3 Thumbs up and stuff.
Thanks u, spinny-chan :3
One question! What platform is the game in? 3DS? Wii?
PS3 and PS Vita. I said that at the beginning XD
I need a walk through of this now. Seems fantastic. Also helps because now you have to make sure you don't level up the wrong person
Thats the thing, you never know which character will betray you! :D