Tales of Zestiria is an rpg game developed by Bandai Namco, for the PS3 and PS4. A very riveting tale of adventure, hardship, and pulling through. Now, lets begin!
Beginning Components

You assume the role of Sorey, a 17 year old boy who has the ability to see seraphim, people invisible to the naked eye. Along with his childhood seraph friend, Mikleo, Sorey will meet other characters such as Alisha, a princess warrior, Lailah, a fire seraph and a prime lord, Edna, an earth seraph with an extremely sarcastic attitude, Rose, the leader of an assassins guild and one who shares the same ability as Sorey, Dezel, a wind seraph with a dark past, and Zaveid, another wind seraph who's always half naked. Sorey is chosen to be the shepard, bearer of light, and is tasked with purging malevolence across the land and defeating the lord of calamity, Heldalf.
Battle Mechanics
Tales of Zestiria, much like Tales of Xillia and other games before them, utilizes the LMBS system of battle, but Tales of Zestiria takes it a step further and makes "Real Map Battles", meaning that the battle party is able to fight virtually anywhere. Towns, bars, caves, open fields, courtyards, you name it. Tales of Zestiria also features "Armatizing", which allows seraphim in battle to fuse with either Sorey or Rose.
Mystic Artes
Mystic Artes are special artes each character can learn. Although some of them require work (eww...>.<), its worth it, as some of these are just extravagent to look at. In fact, take a look at some of em'!

In Tales of Zestiria, the fields are ginormous. Tales of Zestiria imports a mmorpg function by adding Field Bosses to each major field in the game. To add on to that, in every inn locatd in every town in the game, you have a chance to fight an Aragami, a monster overflowing with malevolence. Theres even an EX dungeon where you can fight 2 past Tales characters. You can even customize the appeareance of your characters with costumes and accessories, such as the special DLC costumes from Blue Exorcist.
Total Score: 8.4/10
Although this a very good game, it has a customization system in shops that get very tedious, and it has a skill aheet that will grant you bonuses when you have certain equipment on, which is also tedious. Otherwise, very good game.