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Pokemon competitive move set

a Abomasnow will snow warning ability should be adamant battle ready
a Zoom lens item
must have sheer cold move

when u switched to abomasnow in battle it activates hail weather due to its ability which increases accuracy of sheer cold from 30% to 55.4% and when u have zoom lens as held item the accuracy further increase to 84.5%

with which sheer cold a tremendous move have high chnces of koing targets.
i hope u all like it i will post new detail competitive hitmonlee(not normal gem one) be sure to visit and tip me with pcs hehe.
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Sheer Cold isn't boosted by Hail in any way, dude, and it ignores all changes to accuracy and evasion, kinda like how King's Rock doesn't boost the flinch rate of flinch moves.
not true bro every ice move acc increses by hail
First of all Sheer Cold is banned. Second of all zoom lens doesn't affect OHKO moves.
u can try it out for yourself yes sheer cold is banned but vgc applies it
One word for you. Blaziken. If you're playing with OHKO moves, there are likely no restrictions, so prepare for the godly strength called Mega Blaziken. 4x the damage from Flare Blitz because of Abomasnow's typing, bye bye.
yes blaziken but doubles u can actually use feint or fake out
OHKO moves like Sheer Cold are usually banned in competitive play, so this isn't really a competitive moveset for Abomasnow.
Also, I don't think you should ask for PC tips. That isn't what the blog section is for.
sorry about pc tips never knew i m new here