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Pokemon Showdown Cares

Dear 3DS Pedia,

I didn't have a great day today. Yesterday was a sour, depressing, and angry day for me, so naturally, waking up today wasn't really too pleasant. From memories of yesterday, I shamefully took pleasure in the fact that it was over, but at the same time, I was very disturbed about it and negative, not PG content floated about my mind. I spent most of my morning like this and I wasn't really in a good place.

I had prior arrangements from the day before to go visit two friends and doing so was a good idea, what started as a bad day totally turned around, until something happened just before I left. Needless to say, I left with the same sour, negative vibe I came with.

I took a walk to cool my head, it didn't help though, so I went home, and after awhile, I loaded up Pokemon Showdown.

Pokemon Showdown asked me a question:

Did you have a good day?

And I said:

No, it wasn't great

To get this reply:

Aww, that's too bad. :( I hope playing on Pokémon Showdown today can help cheer you up!

This was the nicest thing anyone had said to me all day, with one unexpected gesture, Pokemon Showdown, an app on a computer, totally reworked and made my night. With this, my day became a little less sour.

When you're feeling down guys, remember, Pokemon Showdown cares, so even if it doesnt any longer seem like it does, keep your heads up and stay strong.

I wish you a good day battlers,

Mr. Kream
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