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Quest for 3ds Prologue

Recently, I've been inspired, awed and amazed by video games. These feelings have came from 3ds games (my favorite system), but it's not just them. I've been slowly over about 7 years using good deals to acquire more games, because I love playing them. So, today I made a list of every 3ds game that got a physical release on a google sheet. Today my quest to collect every 3ds game begins.

Preliminary stats:
406 unique (physical release north american) 3ds games (including unreleased) identified
80 unique owned 3ds games on me (update pending when I go back home for more)
75 unique (physical release north american) 3ds CEs/SEs/Bundles/Slipcovers/Limited edition (hereby refered to as "LEs") games with extras identified
26 unique (physical release north american) 3ds LEs
Approx. 19% of the way there.

More updates will come as I reorganize and attempt to acquire more games this holiday season. Signing out for now, 11/4/17
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