It's been years since the school as seen a face. The school i'm talking about must not be named. But after a freak accident with robotic enginering classes, the animatronic phantom haunts the school. Noone dares enter.
Except for 4 kids who didn't believe in folktales...a faint whispering conversation sorrunded them.
They got their backpacks and after dinner they snuck out of the house and met at the gate which swung from side to side like it has recently been broken into. The street lamp glitters with a moth buzzing around it. It was insanely dark. A quick shadow runs accross the pathway in the school yard. They rethink and after a while they enter the hall.
They unpacked their bags, after hearing a noise of a tap bursting, 3 boys left the hall and circled it and looked around in any shadows...empty. They return to find a written note stappled and stuffed inside the kid's mouth inside the hall. They got the note and threw it to the ground. They were wanting to solve the mystery once and for all. They got everyone in their class to come the following night. They threw a furiously awesome disco...suddenly the entry doors swung open. A chilly breeze flys through the room and everyone paniced and froze. The following day, the parents found out that they all went to the hall at the old school. When they got there, with the police, noone was in the hall.
Then at that moment, they saw robotic enginered figures emerge from the shadows....the parents cried with the fear of knowing their child became a artifical being. the police closed down the school for good, and hired people to demolish it. But instead a fire broke out and everything burnt down....except for one thing.....a robot....
Except for 4 kids who didn't believe in folktales...a faint whispering conversation sorrunded them.
They got their backpacks and after dinner they snuck out of the house and met at the gate which swung from side to side like it has recently been broken into. The street lamp glitters with a moth buzzing around it. It was insanely dark. A quick shadow runs accross the pathway in the school yard. They rethink and after a while they enter the hall.
They unpacked their bags, after hearing a noise of a tap bursting, 3 boys left the hall and circled it and looked around in any shadows...empty. They return to find a written note stappled and stuffed inside the kid's mouth inside the hall. They got the note and threw it to the ground. They were wanting to solve the mystery once and for all. They got everyone in their class to come the following night. They threw a furiously awesome disco...suddenly the entry doors swung open. A chilly breeze flys through the room and everyone paniced and froze. The following day, the parents found out that they all went to the hall at the old school. When they got there, with the police, noone was in the hall.
Then at that moment, they saw robotic enginered figures emerge from the shadows....the parents cried with the fear of knowing their child became a artifical being. the police closed down the school for good, and hired people to demolish it. But instead a fire broke out and everything burnt down....except for one thing.....a robot....