Yuss! FirstSerpant and I had a great time. I thought sciszor was the end of me because my I had 4 to 5 pokemons weak against him. In the end it was Chaney vs sceptile. I was lucky when Mega sceptile missed 3 focus blast on my knock off chansey which was knock off by sciszor. In the end mega sceptile was poison to death then that big frog was left with a little hp and got a smack on that thing for the final blow. It was 2-0 my second pkm is in bad condition. Well done FirstSerpant I had fun. That mega sceptile needs glasses tho. I hope we can play again someday.
I was typing this on my profile but it wouldn't fit cause it's 140 characters longer>.<
I was typing this on my profile but it wouldn't fit cause it's 140 characters longer>.<