Insommnia (Haiku)
Sleep beckons to all
Restless spirits find no peace
Sleep's call goes unheard
Bobby Socks (Limerick)
Bobby had thought he was clever
And one day he'd discovered a lever
With his mouth in a grin
He kicked the rod in
And his foot felt the worst pain ever
Gratitude (Haiku)
Today I give thanks
Bless others and be grateful
You woke up today
Hope you guys enjoyed these. I was feeling inspired and decided to write something
Sleep beckons to all
Restless spirits find no peace
Sleep's call goes unheard
Bobby Socks (Limerick)
Bobby had thought he was clever
And one day he'd discovered a lever
With his mouth in a grin
He kicked the rod in
And his foot felt the worst pain ever
Gratitude (Haiku)
Today I give thanks
Bless others and be grateful
You woke up today
Hope you guys enjoyed these. I was feeling inspired and decided to write something