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Smash bros.4 Leaks. Fake or not?

Remember before Super Smash Bros. 3ds came out and certain leakers found "future game play screenshots" and the " leaked roster" for the game? Most of them could possibly be right, if not about all. Think about it like this: Those Gematsu leaks had predicted many things that came true, like Shulk, Paluntena (although expected), Mii fighters, and even Pac-Man! Although he was unable to specify what he meant by "Pokemon from Pokemon X and Y", I feel that may have been related to how Greninja was planned for smash4 before X and Y was even finished. The Gematsu leak also confirms Dlc characters, who have been announced, one of them being gematsu's predicted Lucas. It's possible Gematsu was leaking real info the entire time.​

Masahiro Sakurai is a human being (obviously) and we as humans naturally do change our minds quite frequently. Especially when given the power to do so. This meaning he could've easily decided, and decided against adding certain characters multiple times. This is where Fire Emblem Awakening's Chrom comes in. Apparently, from what I've heard, Chrom was cut due to being "too OP" He was originally intended to be in the game, but replaced "mid-development" with Lucina or Robin. I can only assume this came with minor tweaking to their movesets, resulting in his placement in robin's final smash. So maybe this Gematsu guy heard about chrom being in while sakurai was actually developing him. So that would mean Gematsu was giving leaks based on the original ideas and projects planned during the game's development. Gematsu says himself he doesn't know the exact time or date when these guys will be announced, which makes sense. So, going off of these leaks, does that mean the chorus mean are, or were, going to be in Smash 4? It's possible these ideas where scrapped and replaced with the smash bros. Ballot, where we decide who the next character should be. Which leads me into Another topic that's been on my mind.


Have you noticed those six empty gray squares? Do you think they're there for just show? Of course not! These slots fill in dlc characters! Now before I go on I must say, I don't have mewtwo so I haven't seen how much mewtwo effects the Character select screen.
So I'm pretty sure the "box" of characters have been adjusted prior to mewtwo' s inclusion in smash. Also, Lucas has been revealed! That fills 2 out of 6. 4 more characters remain. So let's think about the recent Roy and Ryu leak. They would be another 2 spots on the list. And (for those off you who don't know)according to the leak, Ryu from Capcom's street fighter, and Roy from Fire Emblem are going to be smash bros dlc. The audio files found in the game have been clarified by many others. I feel like that leak could be real because of all the backup. I mean, honestly, why would so many other people find the same data when searching the update? They couldn't all be on some crazy bandwagon and decide it's legit. It's very likely they found it as well. That would leave us with 2 extra spots on the list. Capcom would have 2 reps, so would the other slots be Namco and sega's 2nd reps? Or would those slots be for the ballot? I've been seeing people speculate that wolf is coming back. So that would mean, either only one character from the ballot is getting in smash and we're getting wolf, or wolf isn't gonna be there and we get 2 characters from the ballot.

So maybe the characters that were said to be dlc, where going to be, but sakurai changed his mind and went with the ballot. We can only dream of what's in store for us as gamers, and I have a feeling we will be surprised of the outcome. (Because Wii fit!? Really Nintendo? No one expected that!)
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When you look on the Wii U CSS (with mewtwo) it seems like only 1 box is missing everything else lines up perfectly lol
I think those empty slots are why Nintendo has the ballot. Knuckles FOR SMASH PLSSSS
"Apparently, from what I've heard, Chrom was cut due to being "too OP" He was originally intended to be in the game, but replaced "mid-development" with Lucina or Robin." Sakurai didnt want another blue hair swordsman who had nothing unique. Gematsu also had Chorus Men, but they arent there either. Also, the 3DS CSS has an extra 4 boxes, not 6
Thanks for the information :)