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The story of Smash Bros.

After running through the portal Link was surrounded by darkness. When Link awoke, he was in a unique and colorful place. There were Big hills, flowers with eyes, and mushroom people? This could
Only mean one thing. The portal teleported him into another world. Off in the distance he saw turtles, attacking the mushroom people."Finally," thought Link ,"some excitement".

After destroying the monsters, the mushroom people took Link to peaches castle. Once inside, Link bowed his head, knowing that peach was a princess. Everyone was happy to have a new hero. Every but Mario.

Link kept spending with peach, making Mario jealous. How could Mario compete with Link.

Mario Link
Is a Plummer. Is a hero
Is short. Is tall
Fights turtles. stopped a moon

Mario knew the only way to win back the princess was to get rid of the Link, but to do that he would need some help.