Good morning "I said to my neighbour " he also said good morning. Right when I was about to say something else i heard a scream we went and chased it down and found a ghast flying in the air. Quick kill it Beliver4evar said (The person I found in the cave) I grabbed my bow and shot it but the arrow missed and the thing shot a fireball at me. Then I grabbed my sword and hit it back at the ghast and it died. What...... is a ghast doing in the over world and then I looked to the side right there its a portal "i said". A nether portal..... Lady s first I said as i pushed him in the portal and right after i jumped in. What was that for "he said" i said Lady s first remember "I laughed" ha ha very funny he said. lets go to the nether fortress "I said" Sure why not "He said". so we went there and got a bunch of blaze rods awesome we got what we need lets go . we where about to jump back into the portal when i heard Someone say in a demonic voice Welcome to my world..... me and beliver4evar got scared and went back and we went to are house. who was that "He said i don't know "I said" and for the rest of the night we tried to go to sleep but we couldn't we tried counting sheep heck we Evan tried crying are self to slee- i -i mean tried sleeping pills ya thats right . Anyways we waited till the next day and went and made ender pearls and we found are way to the end stronghold and made are way through the Dangerous caverns and finally found the portal and we finished it off Yes where finished now we slay the ender dragon we both jumped in and next thing we no we are using are bows and destroying the ender crystals and right then the dragon swooped down and killed beliver4ever NO he had are diamond stash on him well i might as well do with out the stash. Then i looked to the side and he swooped down at me being the cool dude i am i totally doged him and sliced at him and he died and i grabbed his ender egg and i was off on my way Hey beliver4ever i killed the dragon "I said" Great did you get my stuff
sorry dude i at least killed the dragon
"I said" anyway we slept good that night well maybe not beliver4ever im pretty sure i heard him crying meh. so we both decided to go back to the nether and find out what that demonic voice was i feed steve my cow and i was on my way. we entered the portal and we where in a arena and we heard the voice again.Welcome to the arena why dont i show you my littel friends and then we fought up to 50 mobs before he said THATS ENOUGH. the screen went black and we where in a arena and in the background we saw the sun and moon and they where coliding and he appeared he had white eyes and a Steve skin and he said welcome to my domain as he smiled evilly and then he attacked us we doged and attacked back but it went through him. Ha nice try and he lifted both of us in the air YOU WILL REMEMBER THE NAME HEROBRINE and he put both of us over the edge . but i grabbed my sword and threw it at him amazingly it hit and he backed away and fell off the edge NOOOOOOOOOO....... the it went black Mom: honey come and eat dinner and get off that game i jumped out off the computer and gave my mom a big huge Mom: oh what wrong "I said" its a long story and i smiled after eating i went out and went to my friends house dude.... Joe: wow what happened "I said" i dont no but it was out of this world thats for sure
Ya thats true "He said"
Hope you enjoyed and remember minecraft isn't just a game......
sorry dude i at least killed the dragon

Ya thats true "He said"
Hope you enjoyed and remember minecraft isn't just a game......