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The World of NinGamerPC

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So, im assuming you have downloaded and read atleast one thing in my journal.

i wanted to add more, but share it with you all, so instead of simply telling about this somewhere else and whatnot, im gonna talk about some things ive learned about birds, some of my Super Smash Bros Moveset theories, and dreams with you all.

now this text is just going to be explaining my dreams, but in the case that i cannot add or replace my uploaded file (this is my first time blogging at all) i will be updating this blog with things besides my dreams.

So i have 2 Dreams to tell you about and i didnt put them in my journal simply because i couldnt wait to make this blog and wanted to tell you this way instead.

#1: The Hotel Robbery.
so it all started with me looking out the window of a hotel room, i saw our garage with the van fenced in beside the garage itself, i saw some things happen around the van and realized that it was being stolen. i shouted out "the vans being robbed!" and then later i found myself ready to slide down a waterslide, and when i reached the bottom i went outside to the parking lot, which was covered by a roof, like a malls parking lot. i saw a car coming towards me only to park right next to the door, where i was standing, they came out and i tried to get back inside and just barely managed to yell "MORE ROBBERS!!" i got my mouth shut just when i finished shouting the warning. thats all i can remember for now. now for dream #2.

#2: The.... Military?
it started when i was in a tank looking thing, and i was prepared to try to kill someone when a streetlight worker said stop. i dont remember much after that, but i do remember my family going into this building that looked abandoned, we went into it and saw a room that looked like my front door from on the inside irl, we got into a room with a computer and a few cool but strange things on the cpu desc, they looked like futuristic videogame consoles that had lights glowing out of them. i had a feeling a guy would come in, and so i waited by the door, a guy DID come in saying "What are you people doing in my house? get out of here stupid robbers!" i told him we werent robbers, and that we were just looking around, he said "No You Aren't! Your intruding on my property! Get Out!!" Then i said "We Arent Robbers, we were really just checking out the place, We Swear!" i should have said "I Swear!" but i got out anyway. the end.

I will be adding more when i have more to add. thanks for reading!

I Now Have a Pony OC With Information and a picture of it. Take a look!
Pony OC info: Name: Starflash, Race: Pegasus, Fur Coat: White (but not as white as rarity), Mane/Tail Color: Brown, Cutie Mark: Same thing As Rainbow Dash's (but i had problems and couldnt get it in there), Personality: Loves flying fast, hanging out with friends, Slow To Anger But Furious When Angered. ect.
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