Ahh the console wars the thing that is still being argued about today
with consoles like Xbox 1, WiiU, and Ps4 and today i'm gonna see which system is better so i will be targeting to systems the Ps4 and the WiiU to see which is better now lets get started
WiiU the console that has a vast game library of fun games like Splatoon, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Super Smash bros for WiiU, and Super Mario Maker all games making a time that when you are old you will remember.The WiiU has many the good games and although it doesn't have the same power like the Xbox 1 and Ps4 and Psvita it is still very successful.
PlayStation the console that sadly lots of under age kids play violent games on.But don't get me wrong they have a ton of family friendly games like the Crash bandicoot series.But there are the games like call of duty destiny, and many other extremely violent games.But if you like rated M games then go for it sky's the limit only thing stopping is reading this thing go and get a Ps4 or the last of us remastered i have to say that they are masterpieces well both are
Anyway so which one is better well Sony did actually almost had a partnership but i never caught on sadly.Now onto what makes them good systems well for starters Graphics are both nice on each system the games are fun on both systems.hmm... so far similiar okay now on to processing power.....well case closed they both are not similiar at all Ps4 has one of the most powerful proccessers in any system while the WiiU has a very low quaility processer man i feel ashamed.Anyway that was my resolution to the console war?? i don't know well see ya
with consoles like Xbox 1, WiiU, and Ps4 and today i'm gonna see which system is better so i will be targeting to systems the Ps4 and the WiiU to see which is better now lets get started
WiiU the console that has a vast game library of fun games like Splatoon, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Super Smash bros for WiiU, and Super Mario Maker all games making a time that when you are old you will remember.The WiiU has many the good games and although it doesn't have the same power like the Xbox 1 and Ps4 and Psvita it is still very successful.
PlayStation the console that sadly lots of under age kids play violent games on.But don't get me wrong they have a ton of family friendly games like the Crash bandicoot series.But there are the games like call of duty destiny, and many other extremely violent games.But if you like rated M games then go for it sky's the limit only thing stopping is reading this thing go and get a Ps4 or the last of us remastered i have to say that they are masterpieces well both are
Anyway so which one is better well Sony did actually almost had a partnership but i never caught on sadly.Now onto what makes them good systems well for starters Graphics are both nice on each system the games are fun on both systems.hmm... so far similiar okay now on to processing power.....well case closed they both are not similiar at all Ps4 has one of the most powerful proccessers in any system while the WiiU has a very low quaility processer man i feel ashamed.Anyway that was my resolution to the console war?? i don't know well see ya