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Why I don't play pokemon

Many years ago I used to watch and play Pokemon like almost every day. It was very fun to watch and play Pokemon until one day, I drew a picture of Pikachu and brought it to school to show my friends. At that moment I was at school my teacher took the drawing from me and told me that school will tell my principal that I was drawing someone in class. At that time did not know what a demon was. My teacher even called my mother to the school because of that. I was in big trouble and when I got home my mother banned me from anything that dealt with Pokemon.i was so mad but sometimes I play it secretly lol.
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I think that you definitely missed some things here.. Why didn't you just say that you were drawing a Pikachu and sai that you only wanted to show it off to your friends..?
Pikachu's are demons, KKKILL EM ALL!
My mom wouldn't let me play it because when I was younger I'd believe anything XD now that I'm older she lets me play it as I know better than to say that pokemon are real which they arnt XD
ecks dee
This reminds me of the time my dad banned me from adventure time Just because someone got hurt. lol
This is literally one of my top 10 stupidest things I've ever read.
I have a feeling you missed out a lot of details >.<
Yes, because a yellow electric mouse looks like a demon. Lol
Oh man hahah, i'm surprised the teacher didn't know what a pokemon was. Considering he/she is a teacher, and you know... works with kids. If that was me, I would continue to sneak around and play as well hahhaha.