Will Bayonetta Become To Op For Smash?

Will Bayonetta Become To Op For Smash?

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So, Last month Super Smash Bros came with one more dlc Bayonetta. But will she be to OP for smash? As seen here here
Bayonetta can freeze time so if they add her with this ability it may break For Glory mode online. I honestly think if they add her into smash shouldn't they at-least get rid of her ability to freeze time in online mode.Thus if they don't we will have a bunch of people on online mode playing a Bayonetta. What is you're guy's thoughts?
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while bayonetta does seem OP, that's kinda the entire point of all the smash trailers :T and a note for the witch time: it only SLOWS time, letting her get in an attack or 2. shutting it off online would basically be if sakurai said that counters are banned .-.
Why would she break it? Also, Its not freeze time, Its witch time, Anyways. Why would she break it though? It only activates if there about to hit you and if you spam it it will get shorter and shorter, Plus if your to late you turn into bats and avoid the attack (but still take a bit of damage) I dont see anything wrong with bayonetta tbh, Either her or corrin ill get as my first DLC character ^.^
You got the wrong idea, she doesn't freeze time, she just slows it down (plus the timer that the game shows isn't affected by this move) so it wouldn't be a problem. Besides, there is no way a character can break For Glory, the move only works if she gets hit and uses it. Which means if a player spams Witch Time, they'll just get grab punished every time.